Candling Pics Progression Through Incubation Of Chicken Eggs

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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
That was pretty awesome and really makes me want to hatch some myself! Don't tell my wife lol
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Really great info. Loved all the pictures through the article
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Covers everything about Candling
Very helpful
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Great article. Loved reading through what to expect at each stage and how to set the incubator up. And the fresh fluff ball photos at the end are so sweet. Can't wait to try hatching my own babies one day
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Thank you for sharing! What a wonderful walkthrough of a hatch and your chicks turned out beautiful!
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Great article on the progress made by these little guys.
This makes it less tempting to candle when I shouldn't, knowing what's going on in there.
Thank you!
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Perfect timing on this as I have two broodies sitting on eleven eggs! I had no idea what to expect when candling, so this is very helpful.
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Thank you for posting this! I am rather new to chickens, and I have never hatched my own eggs. This is truly fantastic! It's such a miraculous process, and you have captured all aspects of it beautifully. The addition of videos was an unexpected treat.

Now I want to hatch some eggs....
Very informative.
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Excellent photo procession of chick development. Good pics and well written.
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
I referred to these often the first few times I incubated eggs-such a great resource.
I’m currently watching some eggs under three broody hens. Thanks to the clear and specific information in this article I was able to accurately assess the eggs today, culling two duds and replacing the other developing ones. Thank you!
Just started incubating eggs yesterday for the first time. Looking forward to candling them.
You are so patient to undertake this excellent presentation. I am setting up to incubate my own chicken's eggs and this is such a wonderful guide. thank you.
I scrolled slowly so I could really look at the eggs, each time the progress made me want to see them hatch; thank you for that appreciation of a new life formation.
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