You see adorable photos of ducklings everywhere you want ducks of your own the first thing you need is a place that sells ducks. it all depends on how many ducks you want the age which I would recommend ducklings so that they imprint on you your area and what you plan to do with the ducklings. for instance I live in Atlanta Georgia so I went to Georgia ducks and geese turns out they were getting a big shipment of Pekin ducklings so we bought three we asked her to sex them we bought all females. You definitely now want ducks or ducklings here is a list of things to take into consideration when buying ducklings your area not only the shops around you that sell ducks but the laws of your area allowing you to keep how many ducks and at what age in what amount of space. Then take an account how much time you have. Would you be able to take care of them all week and be with them every second of the day or would you be gone for most of the day. If you were one of the people like me that would be gone through the whole week for 5 hours a day except for the weekends then you might want to get the ducklings on a Friday so that you have time to spend with them and you also might want to consider getting a less Wiley duck so that you don't have to let them out to run in the house all the time. Once you have all that settled I would recommend Pekin ducks for beginners and if you're looking for a challenge I would probably recommend the very energetic Indian runner duck. So in short taking care of ducklings is not as easy as it seems this is only the pickup process so you may want to check your schedule will you be there for them if not you should probably reconsider getting ducklings versus ducks. 20201026_155651.jpg 16039283968932533713978487552045.jpg