How to treat sour crop and impacted crop and how to know which one you're dealing with

great and very helpful article.
That yeast treatment you suggested, they have an oral gel for it aswell, is that okay too ?
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A good description and treatment options for the two main crop issues sour crop and impacted crop. Also has good treatment options and a follow up with pendulous crop treatment if your hen repeatedly has these issues.
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Good article
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Thank you for sharing this. I read some people make the chicken vomit, so glad I found this article.
I've read articles for weeks and nothing simplified this crop issue I'm having with my hen until now!! Thank you!
Shes quarentined until tommorow and I'll know soon if she needs a bra or just yeast treatment.
i have not had problems like this thank God.
But by reading your article I feel like I could help if one of my chickens needed me.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge. I feel like I should read up on the digestive process now :clap
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Thank you for writing this! It’s very informative and full of advice. Easy to understand and explains exactly what to do. I’m printing it out for my chicken medicine book for emergency’s.
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Informative article, could have gone into more detail. So glad you didn't include ACV as treatment for sour crop. Lots of peeps do but it really doesn't help.
Very nice article!!
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This article literally saved my Roopecca. He now wears a bra and rarely needs treatment.
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This had great info that I was looking for. Would “slow crop” be something like sour crop without the infection?
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Thank you. I appreciate knowing I can treat this condition. Alice is a bit better already.
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