Mountain Lions ( cougars ) can be a problem as a predator for chicken keepers. Even though they are shy and primarily nocturnal cats they are still a problem. They can live in just about any habitat, even cities. They are occasionally active in daylight hours especially if they are hungary. They might have smelled your chickens and that made them curious. They are curious cats! 🐈 They could have also seen or heard your chickens and came to check it out. This predator is not in for only the feed or your hens eggs, they are here only for the chickens. Also, they don't just kill or eat certain parts of the chicken, turkey, duck, etc..... They eat the whole thing! Sometimes even the bones.

For protection, you should think mainly about fencing and noises. They can jump over fences too! If they can perch in the trees to escape someone/something they can jump really high. So fences must be at least 10 feet ( 3 meters ) tall. Electric fences can get there attention fast! Make sure that they are charged to at least 5,000 volts and must be strong. Also, remove any possible hiding places. Mountain lions love to hide in brush or even in tree branches. Also, besides fencing motion lights are great because they scare them away. Loud, blaring music or noise is great but dogs are even better. Have you ever seen coonhounds treeing mountain lions. Its instinct to hate dogs and their barking.

How do I know that a mountain lion is trying/eating my chicken(s)? Well, you might have seen it in the act or are using a trail camera to figure out what is going on. Trail cameras are a great tool to figure out what is in your chicken area well you and your chickens are sleeping. Your chickens should be locked up at night in there chicken coop. NEVER leave them left out a half hour - 1 hour after sunset!!!

Mountain lions often eat their prey at the sight of the kill. They don't drag it off and eat it someplace else. They also don't be in groups or packs. Mountain lions don't like to share!

They eat the whole bird. Meat, guts, head, and most bones. They are known to leave the leg bones at the kill site. Feather too.

It is really disappointing when one of our chickens gets eaten. Not only the favorites. We want to know what killed our chickens.
I hope this article helped chicken keepers to know when a mountain lion killed their chickens(s).
Thank you for reading!!
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