Rosewood Blues' Coop

Gorgeous shed. I'm glad you brought life back to it. I would have loved a bit more information about how you constructed the pens, and if you added a run. Overall great article.
What a cool find! A brick chicken coop. I am so glad that your family put in the effort to clean it out and fix it up!
I don't know why, but I was surprised that the skylights were original to the building. I guess I think of them as being a newer thing.
It looks to me like you did an awesome job renovating the coop to your purposes.
My only concern would be that illness or diseases could spread unchecked through the coop since there are no walls separating the different coops (other than wire).

Thanks for sharing your coop with us. I would love to see an updated picture with the new dutch door in place.
I am soooo jealous!! Would have loved pics and info from the beginings but its fabulous. And your birds are beautiful!
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