Tsouloufati, a quick look into this humble landrace

Very good article about the Landrace. I would not have known about them without your article. Thank you.
Thank you for checking out and reviewing the article! Glad you liked it. I try to spread what little I know about the landrace, in hopes that we won't lose it, like we have a lot of other great breeds and landraces
Very nice article, I love to learn about new chicken breeds and landraces that are not largely known to other people outside of a particular country. Thank you for sharing so others can learn! Your Tsouloufates are really pretty.
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Thank you for checking it out, glad you enjoyed it!
You've written a very enjoyable article. What a fascinating landrace. Thanks @ManueB for mentioning it on @Shadrach 's thread.
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Thank you for reading the article! I'm so glad you found it enjoyable, and you found this landrace as fascinating as I do!
I enjoyed reading about these chickens and their adaptations to their environment. Good luck with your flock.
Thank you so much for taking time to read the article, I'm so very glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for your kind words
Thanks for the article.

I enjoyed reading about this breed from Greece.
I'm glad you found the article enjoyable! Thanks for reading!
Extremely interesting and very well-written article. You definitely gave me an appreciation for your native, unique landrace!
Thank you so much for reading the article, I'm so glad to hear the article made you appreciate the landrace! It means a lot
As previously said in my comment, very glad to hear about this landrace. It's a shame that your country's populace doesn't hold them in as much of a high esteem as you. You can feel your passion for them through your words. Thank you for letting us know about this unique Greek version of chickens.
Thank you so much for your kind words! It means a lot
What a refreshing change to read about a little known landrace chicken. There are lots of chickens around the world that very little is known about that are common to an area but not considered a breed.
I thought the article was well written, unusual and covers a topic rarely written about.
Thank you so much for reading the article! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed this topic, it truly does mean a lot
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