Recent content by ChickenMullets

  1. C

    Please help me sex these chick photos, multiple angles each.

    All chicks are different breeds, most are known, some unknown to me. Pretty certain about 1 or 2 being a roo, hopefully not more. I know at this age its not a guarantee but I would like educated guesses please because i am first time chicken owner with no clue what to expect. -sorry for...
  2. C

    Any ideas on sex of these 6 chicks

    that is a lot of REALLY helpful information. thank you so much. I had thoughts that Moria may be an easter egger recently.
  3. C

    Any ideas on sex of these 6 chicks

    Thank you I likely have the two greys mixed up. Is Sapphire Gem and Sapphire Sky the same as i was told one of the chicks is a Sapphire Sky
  4. C

    Any ideas on sex of these 6 chicks

    First i would like to say thank you to anyone who assists. Your time and knowledge is appreciated greatly. These babies are almost 3 weeks old with one being probably a bit older since its so much bigger. They are all different breeds so i have nothing to compare traits with. Id really like...
  5. C

    Help me sex this “barred rock”

    Lol i got a good chuckle at your accuracy odds
  6. C

    Help me sex this “barred rock”

    Thank you. I will update in a few weeks :)
  7. C

    Help me sex this “barred rock”

    Thank you. First time chicken owner so very nervous about roos and extra nervous with this baby specifically since we have formed quite the bond.
  8. C

    Help me sex this “barred rock”

    Will provide better pics if needed
  9. C

    Help me sex this “barred rock”

    I have a “barred rock” chick about 3 weeks old. Im not 100% sure its a barred rock even though thats what was sold to me, i have doubts because some of the other chickens are likely not what i was told either. So if you have more definite breed info that would be great. Otherwise im really...
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