Help me sex this “barred rock”


In the Brooder
May 3, 2024
I have a “barred rock” chick about 3 weeks old. Im not 100% sure its a barred rock even though thats what was sold to me, i have doubts because some of the other chickens are likely not what i was told either. So if you have more definite breed info that would be great. Otherwise im really hoping its not a roo. My landlord made me promise id not keep a rooster as part of the agreement to allowing me to have chickens in his yard. This is the friendliest chick of the 7, it runs to my hand and loves to be picked up. Please give me good news lol also sorry for pics in bathroom- lighting in my house is not great


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Has the correct leg color for Plymouth rocks. Barring too, and straight comb so looks correct for Barred Plymouth Rock (usually shortened to Barred Rock). Nothing in comb/wattles to say isn't a pullet. Barring is good so far too.
Has the correct leg color for Plymouth rocks. Barring too, and straight comb so looks correct for Barred Plymouth Rock (usually shortened to Barred Rock). Nothing in comb/wattles to say isn't a pullet. Barring is good so far too.
Thank you. First time chicken owner so very nervous about roos and extra nervous with this baby specifically since we have formed quite the bond.
It looks like a Barred Rock to me.

In that breed, males tend to have more white (overall lighter color) than females. If you have some of each, the difference is usually pretty obvious. With just one, it is not so clear. I'm a bit concerned that one may be male, given what I see of the coloring, but I would definitely wait a bit longer and see what other traits show up before making a final decision.

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