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  • Nice avatar! Are those your only chickens or do you have more? :)
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    Reactions: micstrachan
    Thank you! Those were my original four with my daughter. Unfortunately, the New Hampshire Red is no longer with us. But I have six more (pullets) for a total of nine, all different breeds. How about you?
    Better Than Rubies
    Better Than Rubies
    Sorry to hear that.
    That's cool that you have a variety of breeds; does that make it more interesting?
    Sadly, I don't have chickens...But I hope to get some next spring, if I can. My mom originally said no more than ten, but she's moved it down to five a few days ago. She wants eggs, and that's the only reason she'd allow me to get chickens.
    Better Than Rubies
    Better Than Rubies
    I want them to be my 'egg-laying' pets; she wants them to earn their keep, so I tried choosing the highest production breeds. Here are the breeds I have for now (?): White Leghorn, BA, RIR, RSL, and EE. Do you think they're high enough production breeds, and with them we should get an average of 3-5 eggs daily? Also, the more breeds I'd get, the more space they need and then the more costly they'd be..
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