
Brahma - Bantam

They are calm birds with wide, deep bodies, full breast and orange or yellow legs and feet...

General Information

Breed Purpose
Dual Purpose
Climate Tolerance
Egg Productivity
Egg Size
Egg Color
Light Brown
Breed Temperament
Friendly,Easily handled,Calm,Quiet,Docile
Breed Colors/Varieties
Dark, light, and buff
Breed Size
Feather Legged

They are calm birds with wide, deep bodies, full breast and orange or yellow legs and feet covered with lots of soft feathers which make big floppy feet. The head of the bird is small in comparison to its body. Its face is also clean from feathers and they have small wattles. They are well known as being one of the largest breeds of chicken. These beautiful birds were first recognized in America in 1898. This fancy breed of chicken makes a great pet for its quiet and tame nature and tolerance to the cold.

Bantam Brahma eggs

Bantam Brahma chicks

Bantam Brahma hen

Bantam Brahma rooster

Latest reviews

Pros: Sweet and pretty, rooster ruled the flock despite his size
Cons: Zero eggs, wholly disappointing
I bought a trio of Brahma bantams expecting sweet, pretty birds that I could show and breed. Unfortunately, while the tiny rooster ruled the flock, the hens never laid in egg during their six month life and died of disease before I could even show them, despite the price tag. The rooster died soon after.
Purchase Price
25 dollars per bird (but I got a deal so 20 each)
Pros: Docile, calm, easy to handle, quiet, good layers
Cons: A little less friendly than some breeds
I purchased day-old bantam Buff Brahmas from a hatchery, ending up with 4 pullets and 1 cockerel, a nice little breeding group. The chicks were handled frequently but were never nearly as friendly as my Easter Egger bantams, and that was a bit disappointing, but they are gentle birds overall and easy to handle. There are two things I love about my Brahmas - my rooster is very gentle so far. He is 9 months old and his great temperament could change, but he's been a fine lad to this point. He has never once attempted to bite or scratch me, although he has tried to engage in a tug-of-war when I removed one of the girls from the coop. He is quite nice to his girls, too, and very protective, on top of being gorgeous. This I like a lot, because a nice rooster is worth a lot if you want to raise chicks, and I want to raise chicks.

The other thing I love is how these little girls lay. Bantam hens are the bomb, and Brahma bantams are quite respectable layers. I have four 9-month old pullets and I am collecting 18+ eggs per week, sometimes 21 per week, and they are quite large for bantam eggs. My little girls are a fraction the size of their large fowl counterparts, less than one fourth the weight, but they lay 70%-80%+ of the egg! Two of my pullets regularly lay eggs that weigh over 1-5/8 oz. A "large" egg from the grocery store will weigh an average 2 oz. This amazes me. It's magic that these little chickens lay these beautiful eggs that taste wonderful.

I cannot find many people who agree with me (although I have found a couple), but I think bantam eggs are tasty little gourmet things, due to that larger yolk-to-egg-size ratio that is well known in connection with baking using bantam eggs. More yolk ounce-per-ounce provides a richer tasting egg, and I think I can tell the difference. My neighbor thinks he can, too, and it completely surprised him when he first ate bantam eggs.

Obviously, because they are bantams they can be more inclined to go broody, which can be a pro or a con, depending on one's objectives in raising chickens.

I'm not crazy about the feathered feet because they can be messy, but I have to admit it's cute. And finally, one thing I really like is the adorable friendship between two of my pullets. They were picked on by one of the other pullets to the point of drawing blood. I removed them from the coop and gave them their own apartment. They are so fun to watch. They love each other and they do everything together, including seemingly help each other lay, at least it looks like "helping," and moving each other's eggs around. It endears them to me, it is so sweet to see. I cannot imagine separating them.

Pros: Sweet, constantly calm, quiet, small size, great for kids
Cons: not the brightest crayons in the box, susceptible to predator attacks, hard to find good quality
Out of the chickens I've had, this breed has been my favorite. They don't mind one bit if you pick them up and seem to quite enjoy your company. With their small size, it's easy to see how these hens could live in anyone's backyard, even in the densely populated city. The one rooster I had was such a gentleman. He would only make noise twice a day: once to let us know it was morning and once to let the hens know there was some good food. That was it! He was such a good boy. His death was very sad, but as I would imagine is not uncommon for this breed. My rooster was so friendly I'm sure he tried to make friends with the predator that laid the one fatal blow to his head. Poor guy spent a night in the "emergency ward," aka the bathroom of our cabin, before he succumbed to his wounds. The hens still live to this day and I must say they are similar to other bantam hens in that they don't lay many eggs. However, they do a great job at being mothers. Overall, this breed is has a great disposition, small compact size, and remains very quiet. I would recommend brahma bantams to anyone that just wants a friendly breed or a breed great for children. Did I mention they have really fluffy butts? I got mine through an auction house near our farm. It isn't always easy to find show quality versions, but try this website: http://www.horstmanspoultry.com/bantamshome/buffbrahma.html. I've heard great things about Dick Horstman's birds, and his pictures look just like my birds. If anything happen to my sweet hens, that's where I would go to find more.


I agree completely as to their personality. Very sweet, social curious birds. I have only one, in a larger flock, and shes the only chicken, of dozens, who wants to follow me around as I work outside, just to be near me. She loves being held, just to be held, and I didn't train her to be that way.
I got my girls mostly to be companions for my rooster, but ended up falling head over heels in love with them. They are broody right now, and supposed to be nasty to me, but just can't seem to get there. I have to make them come out to eat, and while they are out, they are still my sweet little girls. I sure am glad I agreed to take them on. I never would have known what I was missing, but I would have lost big.
We had 5 red jungle fowl 3 roosters and 2 hens and are now down to 2 roosters and 1 hen. I had a hawk that took off with 2 and one rooster we found dead in our driveway (it was unexpected). The hens are by far the sweetest things! My roosters are friendly but nothing compared to my one hen I have left. She will let you carry her around for hours if you are able. She attached herself to our big Tom turkey, probably why the hawk didn't get her, she walks under his tail feathers :) I am hoping to get a few more hens this spring, what a joy to have.
My two bantam Brahmas are a joy to own. They have never given me a moments worry. Healthy, happy and sweet as can be! Oh and I should say smart as well! Pearl and LuLu Belle are my favorites, but shhh! don't tell my other hens! ;)
I ordered some brahma bantams but the hatchery was sold out. Sure wish I had gotten them. I like that there is no announcement. Since I live in the city and am an outlaw chicken owner, it is nice when the girls quietly leave a gift.

I have a couple of cochins who could wake the dead! Some days I have to go out and pick them up and move them to disrupt their joyous chorus!
We live in the city our neighbors behind us got chickens first they have a mixture like we do when their girls would lay and egg the would make the announcement for awhile, when I would talk to the other neighbors about their chickens the response was "Oh I like hearing the chickens clucking and making their announcement so that was our cue to go ahead and get chickens as long as we did not get a rooster. Our Black Star makes her announcement but not as long as over the fence chickens it seems like all four over the fence get in on the announcement. Where do you live I know someone who raises Brahma Bantams and all different breeds. I live in Beaverton Oregon.
Wow, I would like to know who has the Brahma Bantams. Three of my neighbors are OK with the chickens. One of them loves to watch them and throws treats across the fence sometimes. My concern is that the 4th neighbor (Who also liked the chickens) moved out of the house behind me (rental) and now I have no idea who may move in. The landlord does not care unless he gets a renter who would care. That is why I am very nervous right now about any egg celebrations : - ((
I own several Brahmas.... And I love em to death... They are currently out in 40-70*
(four weeks old) with no problems at all!
I bought 7 at TSC the end of Feb. All I knew was they were to be bantams.
They started growing and feathering out on feet.
I later found that I have 5 Dark Brahma Bantam ROOSTERS and only 2 Dark Brahma Bantam hens. I'm not having any luck selling them. They are very pretty, I just wish they were girls. You can see my photos on my profile.
Why post a review of a breed you don't own? Skews the ratings. I'm sure there would have been a thread in the forum you could have looked to, or as has been mentioned, check other reviews of the breed.
I just got some they are really cute little babies.had to order out of state for them could not find any in Oregon.
I got some from Horst they are beautiful babies thank you for sharing this sign.great people to work with to.
My Brahma bantams are now over 16 months old, and a month shy of their first laying year. After their molt the eggs are larger than ever. I now routinely collect eggs that weigh 1-3/4 oz.
I have one cross beed hen. Ayam cemani with Brahma bantam. 1/6 eggs hatched, and I’ve been concerned because she is so docile and gentle. I absolutely love her she is the sweetest little chicken ever, she is 2 months old, Loves being held, carried not even a peep when being picked up. She lies down a lot, even when outside forageing. Pickat the grass while sitting/ lying down.
Not the best at flying, often does a face plant landing and can’t make it up to roost with her hatch group (Cochin and black copper Marin)

she get along with her hatch group but I’ve been brooding them with a group 4 weeks older and they are picking on her, she has taken to hiding in the back corner, isn’t overly interested in food unless I hand feed her or she is on grass.
She is much slower, calmer than the rest even a bit clumsy. Reading this form was reassuring that maybe she is simply docile by nature, getting a bit picked on and not physically/ mentally injured. Thoughts? Feel like getting her a friend with the same temperament would help. View attachment 2772422
I have one cross beed hen. Ayam cemani with Brahma bantam. 1/6 eggs hatched, and I’ve been concerned because she is so docile and gentle. I absolutely love her she is the sweetest little chicken ever, she is 2 months old, Loves being held, carried not even a peep when being picked up. She lies down a lot, even when outside forageing. Pickat the grass while sitting/ lying down.
Not the best at flying, often does a face plant landing and can’t make it up to roost with her hatch group (Cochin and black copper Marin)

she get along with her hatch group but I’ve been brooding them with a group 4 weeks older and they are picking on her, she has taken to hiding in the back corner, isn’t overly interested in food unless I hand feed her or she is on grass.
She is much slower, calmer than the rest even a bit clumsy. Reading this form was reassuring that maybe she is simply docile by nature, getting a bit picked on and not physically/ mentally injured. Thoughts? Feel like getting her a friend with the same temperament would help. View attachment 2772422
I think you should start a thread.

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Chicken Breeds
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Super Admin
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4.43 star(s) 28 ratings

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