
Khaki Campbell

The Campbell duck was developed near the end of the 1800's by Mrs. Adele Campbell of...

General Information

Breed Colors/Varieties
Khaki, Dark, White
Breed Size
Large Fowl
The Campbell duck was developed near the end of the 1800's by Mrs. Adele Campbell of Gloucestershire, England with a simple meat/utility bird for her family dinners in mind. The unexpected, but splendid, result of her breeding program produced an outstanding laying duck.(and while they are not usually raised for meat, Campbell ducks can make high quality, lean roasters). In later breeding experiments she concentrated on attaining a buff color as that was in vogue at the time. In order to achieve this shade du jour, Mrs. Campbell mated her original Campbell's back to Penciled Runners. The color she got wasn't buff - instead she arrived at a handsome hue which she said reminded her of the uniforms of the British army, and that's how they got the name "Khaki Campbell."

Latest reviews

your basic awesome duck breed
Pros: smart great layers good in summer and winter temps
Cons: can fly a little
the first year I had them they could fly about 6 feet high and go about 40 feet far. so I clipped wings. But after that I never had to again. They are a very hearty and intelligent breed. and so pretty little brown ducks (good camo)
Love my girls
Pros: Everyday layer. Incredible pest control. Friendly. Early layers. Curious. Rich eggs.
Cons: They'll lay wherever they please.
Purchase Price
Purchase Date
Pros: Best egg layers
Cons: Skittish
I had them and they are egg-cellent egg layers, each female would lay an egg a day, but they are quite skittish.


I am growing two Khaki's right now to lay eggs. I read that they lay from around 300 to 365 eggs in a year. Great layers! Wonderful eggs also for baking. They are nervous ducks.
Have fun. They are fun to take to our pond for a big swim.
If you have a high door frame for the ducks to go in and out or a drop out of a door they need a ramp with raised notches for them to go up and down ramps.
they are a great duck to have as a pet(get them at birth and handle them a lot this will make them not some skiddish) and they are great layers! typically they dont fly very well either, they stick around and i think they are neat looking, i have khaki campbells, chocolate indian runners, black indian runners, and domestic mallards, and 2 african geese, and more! have fun!
I got campbell/orp mixes. They are great! Dont feed her spinach when she starts laying though. Messing with calcium absorbtion...
I would tend to agree with DuckGirl89. Pekins are much larger than campbells. We have both and our campbells are "air heads". Gotta love them. I'm not sure what we did before ducks.
Thanks for the comments! Now, I wondered if she was a Pekin myself...but they weren't even offering Pekins the day I was there....or supposedly they weren't....I suppose she could be, I love her anyhow though!
Yeah I think it's like when you find a spider on the wall and go,"Omygod, that's the biggest spider I've ever seen!" That's like what people do with Pearl. She is about twice the size of a wild Mallard, I'm leaning towards Pekin at this point even though they weren't supposed to be selling them that day. She is finally starting to quack up a storm, leading me further towards the inclination that she is female, so hopefully it stays that way. She is over 2 months now but still waiting for curls.
Lol your story is almost the same as mine I got 2 KC's for free and one got eaten by something as well. The other one is also doing well.
i love them my khaki can somewhat fly like five feet in the air then it just drops its in a group of runners and when they run he flies its a funny thing to watch
i had one and she was so funny but sadly sickness came and she didnt last real long. but I plan to get more and great review loved it
Excellent layers, mediocre pets. Although raised the same way and handled as ducklings my khakis are more skittish than any other ducks I have had. I would also rate their intelligence below that of my chickens. The chickens put themselves to bed at night. The ducks need to be herded in.
When I first brought ducks home I had to herd them to there house for the first few days. After that they go inside at night on there own.

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