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  1. C

    Please help me sex these chick photos, multiple angles each.

    All chicks are different breeds, most are known, some unknown to me. Pretty certain about 1 or 2 being a roo, hopefully not more. I know at this age its not a guarantee but I would like educated guesses please because i am first time chicken owner with no clue what to expect. -sorry for...
  2. C

    Any ideas on sex of these 6 chicks

    First i would like to say thank you to anyone who assists. Your time and knowledge is appreciated greatly. These babies are almost 3 weeks old with one being probably a bit older since its so much bigger. They are all different breeds so i have nothing to compare traits with. Id really like...
  3. C

    Help me sex this “barred rock”

    I have a “barred rock” chick about 3 weeks old. Im not 100% sure its a barred rock even though thats what was sold to me, i have doubts because some of the other chickens are likely not what i was told either. So if you have more definite breed info that would be great. Otherwise im really...
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