
  1. T

    Looking for quiet black chicken to add to my flock

    I’m interested in adding a black pullet chick to my flock with our next round of raising chicks. We live in a neighborhood, on about a half acre, and thankfully, our neighbors are for the most part cool with it, but I want to make sure we’re looking at quieter breeds. We are of course going to...
  2. Cloverr39

    How would you go about breeding autosexing into a breed that doesn't have it?

    I'm trying to learn about what causes autosexing and how you would go about breeding it into a breed that doesn't have it. What colors does it work on? How many generations would it take to breed it in? Is there a specific gene that causes it or is it multiple things combined? Where I live the...
  3. Aziara

    Breeds that come in gold duckwing (wild type)?

    I'm trying to get a decent size list of good layers who come in this color pattern. I want to work autosexing into a medium size, dual purpose that lays well. I know sussex at least used to have a brown, but I can't find them (unfortunate, as the sussex personality is my first choice). It looks...
  4. YellowRoseFarm

    Welbar Chick Feathering Out Differently

    Hello, This set of chicks is nearing the 5-week mark, so I don't expect to know whether I have acquired any cockerels with any measure of certainty. But I'll put it out there anyway, if for no other reason than for the sake of posterity. I have 3 Welbar chicks, and because they're...
  5. Dazed and Confused

    Creating the silver welbar

    I have 2 eggs in the incubator, hatching in 1 week. The eggs are from a partridge Welbar rooster over a Barred Rock hen. when this cross is done with a welsummer, the chicks are sex linked. Is this also Going to be the case over the welbar? Or is the extra barring going to change things? In my...
  6. ChickenLeg

    Crele EE ameraucana project

    Wanted to start a thread to document the progression of my autosexing ameraucanas, still in the easter egger stages. The big guy will be 2 in spring, hes massive. I hope to keep them on the large side so all the day old boys can be sold to some1 who'll eat em. He has 6 ladies, all crele...
  7. HappyFluffButts

    What's the Optimum Happy Flock Size?

    If space isn't an issue (i.e. lots of acreage), how many chickens make a happy flock? I'm not looking for a minimum or a maximum, but rather what is the optimum or sweet spot? I'd like to buy some acreage to plant a food forest. To build up the soil and generate income while I wait for the...
  8. S

    Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks

    Are these two week old chicks boys or girls? We honestly don’t have a clue, though their behaviour has been very bold.
  9. kallyhenry

    Barred PLymouth Rock day old chicks

    Hi, wonder if you lovely guys would be able to help me sex these little guys, thanks in advance, am stumped - its not as clear cut as I thought lol
  10. Missythechickenlady

    Help crested cream legbar autosexing??

    Hello, So I recieved my crested cream legbars and they are supposed to be female. Ive looked at pictures and forms and a ton of info on cream legbars and autosexing. For an auto sexed breed there sure are alot of confused people like myself. Males are supposed to have a spot on the head and...
  11. Raymber

    Male or female

    I hatched a few of my own eggs from my flock. The Rooster I believe is a Sapphire Gem chicken, it was labeled as Blue Rock at TSC. Anyway, the hen is Black Sex link. I am wondering if I can tell the sex of the chick at hatch, or is that not possible. I’m still learning about the whole autosexing...
  12. samcrook2


    So I got some Rhode Island Red x white Sussex eggs to hatch to add to my flock two hatched yesterday and what I thought would be really easy is proving not to be. I know one is definitely a girl but the other I’m not sure if he is a boy or not as he is more yellow but there is brown along his...
  13. SBFChickenGirl

    Bielefelder x ?

    I just got a whole bunch of Bielefelder chicks. The breed is autosexing. So I was wondering if I could mix these roosters with any non barred hen, and get autosexing chicks. Would that work?
  14. Nadinthecountry

    Cream Legbar Crosses..

    Hi all! First post on this fab forum So we have a little flock with a cream legbar rooster some cream legbar hens, a maran and bluebelle. We are literally hatching as I type and just wondering if anyone can advice on the genetics and passing down the sex linking gene when he is crossed with...
  15. C


    If you cross an autosexing rooster (ex: Cream Legbar or Isbar) with a hen that isn’t autosexing (ex: Orpington or Ameraucauna) will the chicks be autosexing? What about if you cross an auto sexing Hen (ex: Cream Legbar or Isbar) with a rooster who isn’t autosexing such as an Ameraucauna? Does...
  16. MountainWoman73

    Whiting True Blues Different Phenotypes

    Hey there chicken people, I recently ordered chicks from McMurray Hatchery. I ordered 5 Whiting True Blues, 5 Welsummers, and 5 Cream Legbars. They threw in a free mystery chick as well. I received only 13, three less chicks than expected, and with the mystery chick and three missing, I'm...
  17. BreedFarm

    Autosexing breeds club or association?

    Does anyone know whether the USA has an autosexing breeds club? I know there are some single breed clubs around (though it seems most are in the UK.) But I haven't yet found a club or association for collective breeds yet. Again, the UK has Feel free to post...
  18. SBFChickenGirl

    Will I get Sex-Links?

    I have no clue if this is the right forum or not... but I was wondering if I would get autosexing chicks with the hens being Golden Comets/Red Sexlinks and the Roos being Production Reds. With Golden Comets the roos are white and the hens are red when born. Am I going to have to play the...
  19. TAM Farm

    Cukoo orphington - autosexing?

    I have a fantastic cukoo orphington hen that is in with a cream legbars rooster. I love her eggs the consistency and the size are great. I put one of her eggs under a broody and I got to thinking that maybe with the cukoo the chick may be autosexing. Is cukoo different than barring? Will the...
  20. A

    Hi! Just stopped in to introduce myself.

    I have been keeping chickens for less than a year, but I have nearly an entirely new flock and focus. I buy, hatch, raise, and sell purebred stock and fertilized eggs as well as maintain a separate mixed flock of hybrid, sex-linked, and production layers for selling organic eating eggs and...
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