
  1. G

    Help deciding breed layers

    Hello BYC fam, I hope I am posting on the correct thread because I have 2 separate yet intertwining questions. Question #1: I was wanting some recommendations on good egg layers to add to my small flock. I currently have 2 Rhode Island Red Hens and 1 Rhode Island Red Rooster… now that may...
  2. V

    Does anyone know the gender of this chicken? :)

    Hi there! Does anyone know if this chicken might be a hen or rooster? And possible breed. Big changes in appearance each week :). Thanks so much!
  3. MotherOfChickens

    This is suppose to be a GLW

    So this baby is suppose to be a GLW. But s/he has whitish colored tips on the feathers. Any ideas what s/he is exactly? I’ve never had Wyandottes before. TIA
  4. C

    What breed is this chicken? Silkie mix

    I got this chicken a couple months ago, with three other silkies. She has black feet, a black beak, and five toes. When she was younger she looked exactly the same as the silkies, and then lost the fluff. Until 2 months ago she had fluff on her neck as well. Does anyone have a chicken similar to...
  5. C


    Anybody have any guesses on breed and or gender of these two 14 wk old chicks
  6. BarredRockin20

    What breed are these?

    I bought 6 sappire gems and four look the way they’re supposed to and two look completely different. All were black and just started getting this white on their necks. Included are pics of them and also pics of the regular looking sappires beside. Could these two be roosters? I got all 6 as pullets.
  7. Rewskii

    Help identify this rooster

    We got this rooster from someone who couldn’t have them. They got chicks and one was a rooster, they couldn’t remember the breed. He has random black splats on his tail feathers but is other wise blonde. TIA
  8. K

    Any guesses at what breed my chicks are?

    I got them at TSC. The first two were labeled at Bantams. The last two were labeled as Orpingtons but they have feathered feet. They actually all have feathered feet except the first one.
  9. R

    Barred Rock vs. Malines Rooster?

    Hi BYC family! I am looking to replace my rooster (my sweet Randy was lost to a raccoon about 2 weeks ago) I live in an area with HEAVY predator pressure - main offenders are owls, hawks, foxes, raccoons, and coyotes. Since Randy died, I’ve already had 3 hens get eaten by a Fox 😣 So I’m looking...
  10. Sutekimalik

    Breed identification

    I would be grateful for a little help in identifying this cutie. I got her yesterday from a neighbour who is in the egg industry, so I think she's probably a dark campbell, but is it possible she could be a cayuga? I'm not at all fussed, just trying to educate myself on breed identification.
  11. S

    Help with breeds please - pot luck selection of eggs

    Here are our baby chicks at 1 day old and 3 weeks old, any ideas what they might be. Based in the uk if that helps. Thanks in advance 🐣😊
  12. snooki

    What breed is this chick?

    Hello, i’m new to chickens and this is my first chick. I’m pretty sure it’s a female, (if not please correct me), but I’m not sure what her breed is.
  13. Rfalls

    What Breed of Chicken is Your Favorite Ever?

    Hi All! Very new still, here & raising chickens lol. I am curious to know what your favorite breed is? I understand each one has it's own personality, but just overall. I currently have lavender orpingtons but I really want to get another breed that just sticks out. Thanks!
  14. GlicksChicks

    What is a White Sport Legbar?

    I got 2 White Sport Legbar pullets from TSC not too long ago and I would like to know what exactly a White Sport Legbar is? Is it any different from a White Legbar?
  15. kanami

    how to know what breeds tractor supply will have?

    i feel stupid asking this. but is there any way to check tractor supply’s website on what breeds of live chicks they will have at my location? i feel like i am running in circles on their website. i found chickens in bulk but i wanna know what breeds they will have that i can go there and get...
  16. R

    What gender is this chicken? And breed

    I'm thinking a male but the restaurant where he/she was dumped thinks female. Any ideas? They're a beautiful chicken!
  17. C

    HELP! Rooster with no comb??!!

    Weird question that probably is really dumb - I have this chick that is now around six weeks old that I thought was a pulley the whole time, but now I’m second guessing myself. It struts like a rooster constantly, is definitely “in charge” of the other pullets, is a bit aggressive towards me...
  18. Layla_Chickens

    What breed is my Hen?

    Hi! I have had this hen for 2 years now and never knew her breed. The place where I bought her from never told me what breed she is. (Sorry if I'm holding her wrong, she's really fat and heavy.)
  19. F

    5 week old chicks, gender and breed?

    When I first bought them, the lady present said Bantams. Then I was doubting so I called the store and the lady that owns the place told me that they were jersey giants and gold stars. I've done a lot of research on gold stars and hardly anything pops up, it's genuinely annoying lol so idk if...
  20. C

    New chicken mom.. What do I have

    What breed/sex chickens are these? I know what the silkies are of course, but I have no idea if they're male or female. Was told the small white one was a speckled Sussex which is crazy and was told the small black one was a prairie Bluebell Egger. The bigger White and black are about 6 Weeks...
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