
  1. 1lilmrnstr

    Outdoor cage for luvies, budgies and others?

    Hello all! I have a small farm with a lot of rescues on it! From cats to goats to lovebirds and even 1 little, adorable, hognose snake! I finally finished building the Peacock Palace, next project is Ducks Digs which will be beside our little pond! In the meantime, I have been talking to my...
  2. ShrekDawg

    Caged Bird and Parrot Thread!!!!

    This thread is for all caged birds and parrots!!!! I think there might already be one but it’s long dead and we were starting to hijack the dog thread so I figured I’d make a new one so we can continue the discussion here :lau I used to have parakeets (budgies) but had to rehome them last year...
  3. Papaye

    Questions about quails (and other birds)

    Hello. I would like to have some advice, opinions, or whatever about small birds specifically - mainly about QUAILS... ...In order to try to get rid of my allergies, I plan to buy quails - probably Japanese Quails : I have severe allergies, and I am kind of really desperate to get rid of them...
  4. Cloverr39

    Handling budgie chicks

    I'm going to get back into breeding budgies for the purpose of breeding healthy, happy, tamed and social budgies for people who don't want scared pet store birds with an unknown origin. This would require me to spend time with the baby birds as much as possible when they're young. Question...
  5. Somewhere_In_The_Clouds

    Cloud's Chaotic Chat

    Thought it'd be fun to have a chat thread, I often feel weird posting in other people's chat threads 😅. As the title may suggest I have no intentions to keep this to a particular topic, it'll match my brain :D. I'll likely chat about and post photos of any of my animals, from my chickens to my...
  6. Cloverr39

    I want to start learning budgie color genetics

    Hello! I'm interested in learning a bit about budgie color genetics. I own(ed) 4 budgies. 2 are the parents and 2 are their offspring (R.I.P. Kira). I would love to learn what the different colors are all called and what genetics are behind them. I also have a question on how my blue and green...
  7. KaleDaDuck

    Budgie Has Yellow stains next to its Cloaca

    I was on a vacation so i had my grandma feed my budgies but when i came back i noticed my budgies are much more weaker and have a yellow sticky residue around their cloaca and stickiness on their head too... Their feathers are not straight but kinda looks like they're standing up... Kinda like...
  8. G

    Adult budgie sick?

    Newish owner of budgies. I had a pair of two budgies, about 3 and 6 years old. Sadly the older one passed away. After a week we were able to get another budgie that’s about 10 weeks old, introduced them two days ago. They seem to get along great, always playing and flying. But the 3 year old...
  9. E

    Why did my chicks die in the shell?

    Hi. I'm new to BYC and incubation. I've got a 36-egg incubator that turns the eggs every 2 hrs. For my test batch, I put in 3 budgie eggs and 2 bantam eggs. (The budgie eggs were neglected. I usually just give them to other hens to foster, but thought I'd try incubating them.) I had the temp. at...
  10. BudgieKing15

    What kind of music do your birds like?

    So...what kind of music do your birds like? Do they have a favorite musical artist? My two budgies are OBSESSED with The Weeknd's Blinding Lights! Every time I play it they start singing.
  11. BudgieKing15

    Any extra advice on owning budgies?

    So...I've done my research...and decided to get two budgies! Does anyone here have any extra advice that I should know before getting them? Thx in advance!
  12. Clucking_Caramel

    Two budgies to a good home

    Hello, I have moved and my room is too small to keep my birds in. Faithful (White female) is 6 years old, and Super Nova (Blue male) is 4 years old. They are comfotable with people, but will not perch on you. They'll come with their cage, feeders, perches, all their toys, and everything else I...
  13. WallyBirdie

    Allergic to my Budgies?

    When I was a kid, I was allergic to everything, including animal dander and birds- a tiny and shallow scratch from a chihuahua once had me hospitalized with a blood transfusion (later learned that it was due to a blood disorder). But I've always kept animals. I just take allergy meds as needed...
  14. WallyBirdie

    Budgies Love Elvis

    I've been trying different music for my budgies. I got the first signs of head bobbing by playing Blue Suede Shoes!
  15. WallyBirdie

    2 Budgies. How to tame?

    I got my blue budgie [Piper] about a week or so ago, and Piper seemed ready to warm up to me. Fella even perched on my finger a few times without being bribed. Excellent progress, I think. But there wasn't much chatter or over all activity, so I figured a new friend would help. (I'm told they...
  16. LittleBigBantam

    No to the chickens, but.....

    I know I know. Just posted a thread yesterday about training a bantam. But I just learned I have all the money of a budgie. I have a cage + all necessary accessories, the cost of annual feed+vegetables. And of course the budgie itself. But I dont know what my mom will say. I have the room. But I...
  17. Clucking_Caramel

    3 Young Budgies To a Good Home (Pennsylvania)

    I have 3 budgies - oldest (Amazon) is four and the youngest (Super Nova) is two. I had to move and now have little to no space in my new house and they need more space. You get the cage, perches, toys and food. ((Name key: blue (Male) - Super Nova; green (Male) - Amazon; albino (Female -...
  18. Chickadee-Dee

    Hello from Canada!

    Hey there! I'm rather new to this kind of format so please bear with me. I've been following BYC for years and never thought to join until this morning for some reason. I am not overly new to chickens, but am still a bit of a noob and I also do not have any at the moment sadly. I used to have...
  19. AnimalGeek23

    Budgie Talk and Chat Thread

    :frow Hope y’all are doing well! I recently became obsessed with budgies when my friend introduced them to me. I’m planning to get 2 on Christmas! :celebrate If I get budgies however, I might not be able to get chickens, which I was planning to get for about a year now. :barnie I still think...
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