
  1. T

    Ammonia burn or beginning of Bumblefoot?

    I have a Lavender Orpington that was recently broody, has since hatched her chicks and is still separated with them. They are sleeping in a small crate but free range all day. There are two black spots on her foot that I don’t really know what it is. There is no swelling and their living...
  2. C

    Bumblefoot healing process [pics]

    I can’t find any photos of what healing Bumblefoot looks like. It’s been two weeks since I removed the black scab off both feet of these two ladies. The scab seems dark brown for the most part. One lady still has some redness I’ve read that some people say “healed in 5 days!” Is it normal to be...
  3. Elspeth Dinsmore

    Salmon Faverolles with Potential Bumblefoot (Pictures)

    I have three Salmon Faverolles (named Brie, Mari, and Debbi) with what I think is bumble foot. None of the other breeds have this. They are 10 months old and in good health aside for the feet. I noticed it first about 1 month ago. We did a ton of research and tried to remove the bumblefoot from...
  4. Trampmom

    Is this bumblefoot?

    My favorite boy started limping yesterday. I think he has it on both feet. I have read about treating it, but I will definitely have questions if someone confirms that it is bumblefoot.
  5. B

    Bumblefoot or no?

    This was really hard to get a photo of, but it’s this normal looking?There’s a spiky texture to the bottom of her foot and a small soft lump in the center. Is it bumblefoot or something else or totally normal?
  6. H

    Possible bumblefoot

    Hello, I was observing my ducks feet and noticed a bump on one that was walking in front of me. She isn’t limping, but her bump is big! Please let me know how to identify this so I can help her!
  7. K

    Bumblefoot or callous or something else?

    I have two pekin ducks that are eating/drinking/laying just fine but I noticed these dark areas /callouses on their feet. I've been doing Epsom salt baths the past few days and spraying/wrapping with blu kote antimicrobial but seeing no change. Wondering if any of these dark spots are bumblefoot...
  8. A


    I check my Muscovies weekly to maybe bi weekly at most for foot and other issues and never noticed anything out of the ordinary until today. Is this Bumblefoot? Is it possible for it to happen in so many spots on both feet so quickly? She was holding one foot up a little at one point when...
  9. Kerya

    Duck foot injury / illness, need advice

    Recently the humidity has been harder to control in my duck house than usual, and now my boys feet don’t look good. I’m assuming the humidity + cold has done it, or helped do it ? I don’t fully believe it’s bumble foot as some of these cut like things have a scaly / ridged sort of texture. I...
  10. OutbackQuackers

    Curled foot - pls help

    Male call duck hops around on one foot while his other is curled up. His eyes are also watering, making his face crusty. It started a week ago and at first, I thought it was bumblefoot but now I'm not so sure. I've been soaking his foot in salt water every day for the past week and it hasn't...
  11. Katakornchicks

    Experimental Bumblefoot removal success!! (The Easy Way!!)

    Hey folks. So bumblefoot is one ailment I've always struggled to treat within my flock, and I've never been able to find a way to do it successfully after many difficult (and mildly traumatic attempts) but finally, I've discovered the secret. A, dare I say it, EASY way! I've done this on 3 feet...
  12. Flutterbudget

    Anyone able to help? Second opinion on Clyndamicin dosage!

    Hi all, I’ve just taken my male Pekin to the vets to get some antibiotics as he has bumblefoot (again😭). He was weighed at 2.7kg and the vet has prescribed him clindamycin 88mg. She’s put it down for him to have a tablet and a half twice a day, morning and night. Does this seem an excessive...
  13. Dixie0831

    Bumblefoot Question

    Yesterday, I noticed one of my hens more stationary than usual -- not limping but still less mobile. After looking her over I noticed she had two small black spots on her feet, which I believe to be bumblefoot. This is my first time dealing with bumblefoot in my flock. I soaked her in an...
  14. lmadeline146

    Bumblefoot with no pus?

    One of my hens has two marks on her feet that resemble the brown scabs that look like bumblefoot. I’ve been soaking both feet in epsom salts and doing normal treatment and always making sure to wrap the feet carefully. Whenever I remove the top of the scab, theres no pus underneath. I saw...
  15. Lola Chick

    Is this bumblefoot? Please help

    I have a 3mo old Salmon Faverolle who is limping and has a black circle scab on her foot. I am a first time chicken mum, should I take her to the vet? It looks like she’s in pain and I’ve been spraying the vetericyn on her injury twice a day and cleaned out her bedding area. What should I do?
  16. DaynaLynn

    Metacam dose for rooster

    My rooster is 2.6kg or 5 lbs He was in the vet today for bumblefoot, as we haven't been able to fix it ourselves. The vet prescribed clavamox 375mg once every 12 hours And metacam (1.5 mg/ml) She prescribed the metacam at 13ml every 12 hours - that seems super high to me? My 37 kg dog gets 37 ml...
  17. willandstacey06

    Severe bumblefoot?

    So a few weeks ago, we noticed our rooster, Hugo, had a large swollen area on his foot/ankle. It didn’t appear to be bumblefoot at first because it was higher up on his foot and didn’t have the “scabbed” area. He was still getting around okay, so we decided to watch it. As time went on, we...
  18. M

    Rooster limping

    My Rooster, Redd has been limping. His legs felt warm when I picked him up and I'm not sure what the problem is. Also he is roosting at the other end of the roost away from the rest of the flock.
  19. R

    My Treatments for Bumblefoot are not working. Are there any alternatives?

    My duck, Honky, has bumblefoot on the soles of both feet. Her left foot has a significant scab on it, but her right has only a small dot. Since August 23rd, I have been soaking her feet twenty minutes at a time, twice daily, in half a gallon of water with one cup of epsom salt, and a few...
  20. A

    Duck bumblefoot help

    Noticed my duck limping today and noticed her foot swelled up and this was on the bottom of her foot this is clearly bumblefoot right?
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