
  1. A

    Wanting to add a rooster to my flock

    Hello all, I started with 17 hens, and I am unfortunately down to 14. My newest loss was today and 1 of 2 of my white leghorns. And a few days prior a Rhode Island Red. Both of these appear to be from my barn cats that have shown interest in them. They are about 8 weeks old now. I’ve done...
  2. Sweetchild_Leah

    Dear chicken lovers...

    Hope y'all are having a wonderful day, and it stays that way. Here's my "get to know me" info, to look at when I become chicken famous. Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Well, my parents got our first generation of chickens when I was in 5th grade, I believe. (2)...
  3. I'm gonna get you!!

    I'm gonna get you!!

    One of my muscovy females landed on a thin wire in my garden and the cat immediately rushed to try to get it
  4. HuskerHens18

    Using Cats to Find Coop Flaws

    Cats are snoopy, troublesome pets. That's why we love them so much! Cats are great rodent catchers, and can get rid of your mouse problem very quickly in the coop. What else can they do that's helpful to the coop? Find gaps and holes! How to do it: Having your chickens inside is optional...
  5. TheChiggens

    The Cat Chat Thread

    I know there are probably lots of cat lovers out there so I decided to make a thread where you can post pictures share stories etc. SO let the fun begin! :celebrate
  6. WallyBirdie

    Sharing food: Cats and Chickens

    Very hot days mean very hot chickens. I put out a bunch of frozen corn to treat the birds, but my cat Taz decided he wanted to eat the corn too! So, I look outside to check on everyone and there is a line of Chicken, chicken, chicken, guinea, cat, chicken... Then one of my other chickens...
  7. S

    New To BYC

    Hello, i've had chickens my whole life. Havent had any for a while, now my parents have 4 I am helping raise. I live on 6 acres in the middle of a forest, along with the 4 chickens, are 6 cats , 1 boxer mix , and plenty of wild animals. We have chickens to maintain the yard and to lay some tasty...
  8. Strato

    Hi everyone!

    Hi all, I'm Strato and I just moved to a new house that came a chicken run and a flock, and I'm very excited/slightly overwhelmed by all the information I'm trying to learn about taking care of them! (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Brand-new, although I have...
  9. snick4zoo

    Feral cats

    Hello. The last couple weeks I have spotted a lone cat wondering around our property. I have kept my chickens locked up but my ducks wander around during the day. I was wondering if I have to worry about this cat. My 4 Ancona ducks are always together and quack at everything that moves. My dog...
  10. Sugar And Pickles

    Sugar And Pickles

    Sugar didn't mind the new feathered family
  11. ILoveSilkieChickens

    Did You Know???

    I’ve had my chickens since March 26, 2019 and I’ve recently went in their run and sat down and observed their behavior. What I found out shocked me quite a bit. For a long time, this is something that I didn’t even know about domesticated chickens. How they behave is very feline like. Like I’m...
  12. J


    Hello, I'm fairly new to the backyard chicken flock club. Before making any purchases I was sure to do quite a bit of research, but research isn't the same as experience. I'm hoping I'll be able to find out more information from people with first-hand experiences! At the moment there's three...
  13. birdlover2


  14. *~~Whispers of Nature ~~ Archives~~*

    *~~Whispers of Nature ~~ Archives~~*

    Hosted by me, @puffypoo . :) Any forms in red have missing info needed for the family tree. Current Date: March of the year 2165 Need to Add: Stoat Clay Rust Frost Howl Thorn Embers Anyone else? [/COLOR][/B] [/SPOILER]
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