
  1. KathiQuacks

    Drake not interested in new girls at all.

    For context - My eldest drake, Cherry, was introduced to his 2 girlfriends in December of last year. He’s very kind to them both and follows them everywhere. I hatched 10 ducklings from them back in January / February, ending up with 3 drakes, 7 hens, or 4 drakes, 9 hens total (I’m looking to...
  2. KathiQuacks

    My drake is choosing the pond over his girls - why?

    This isn’t really a problem - I’m more confused than anything, and would love some insight. My drake, Cherry, loves his pond, and I don’t blame him. It’s around 5 / 6 acres worth of water, with tons of mud, pondweed, fish, bugs - a duck’s dream. He also loves his girls. I got Cherry 2 hens of...
  3. M

    3 Year Old hens haven't laid in years!!!

    So we have one very large rooster (Unknown Breed), 6 Buff Orpington hens (2 of which are 5+ yrs old), 2 Leghorns who have just started laying, a New Hampshire Red, a Sapphire Splash, and a Barred Rock. The 4 younger Buffs are 3 years old (About to be 4 this spring), the 2 Leghorns are mature...
  4. F

    Lone baby chick

    My little brother recently went to a farm house with my dad. It’s owned by a friend of my dad’s. While there, he saw them killing runt baby chicks. (know it’s runt because he asked why are u kill killing them and they said it’s because the chicks were too small.) My brother originally picked...
  5. C

    Is my duck dead or alive? It has a black tail

    Hi. A duck came to nest in our garden a while ago. She was very camouflaged and didnt know she was there for a long time. Sadly she abandoned the nest, we left the eggs outside for about 2 days hoping she'd return but didn't, so we've taken them in. I've recently been incubating the eggs and...
  6. M

    Crystal like objects in chicken poop

    My chicken pooped a big ball of normal poop but it had many clear off white crystal objects in it? Puts me in the mind of driveway salt but they're so hard I can't break them they won't melt. Anyone ever have this happen?
  7. gwells1980

    Lost my Rooster this morning

    Hi, it is a sad and confusing day. After months of looking for the perfect rooster to protect and breed with my pullets, we found him dead in the coop this morning. He was approx. 8 months old and was in perfect health. He was eating, drinking, and pooping just fine. The only change in his...
  8. ButtercupandReedthecomets

    Pullet has Underdeveloped Face

    One of my golden comets, Buttercup, has a face that is a bit behind the other chickens. She still has a yellow-orange beak, though her kind has a dark beak. Also, she barely has any wattles! But otherwise, she is perfectly caught up. She has full feathering, and she’s about as big as the rest...
  9. sophialoveschickens

    two month old pullet lays egg?

    we have a flock all of them are a little over two months old and we let them out everyday. sometimes they go into our old chickens coop while they're free ranging. we found an egg on the ground in the corner about the size of a quail egg we think one of our pullets layed it she is a cross of an...
  10. OrlandoMama

    Is this a new egg type or just random speckles?

    I went to collect eggs and found two eggs that were speckled. I currently do not have any adults that would normally be laying speckled eggs yet I have two girls that are 12-13 weeks old. One I’m not sure exactly what she is and the other is an easter egger but I know it’s highly unlikely that...
  11. B

    Chickens can’t grow new eyes right?

    My chicken was attacked by a dog causing a wound on her eye which was then made worse by her flock mates pecking at it. It’s been a few months, it happened in August of last year if I remember correctly, and I just picked her up after her flock mates went after her and I saw an eye where there...
  12. The chicken nurd

    A short story and a question about one of my hens

    I’ve been wondering about this for along time and finally decided to ask you guys In 2011 I got my first 4 chicks from are local feed store among them was my standard black australorp now here’s what my question is that australorp turned out to be a bantam and a show quality bird at that does...
  13. Kkaysue

    Confusing Hen Behavior

    I am at a complete loss as to what is going on and I’ve been researching but I don’t know what’s going on. I have one hen who seems to be isolating herself from the rest of the flock. I noticed her standing by herself yesterday and went to close their door at 11pm with negative winter...
  14. Punkabear

    Rooster knees

    Our roosters knees look red swollen and meat is puffy on knees. Took to vet got antibiotics and cream. Don't know what this could be from. Looks as if he was shot in the knees. Which isn't the case here, just trying to paint a pic of what it looks like. It looks so painful and I don't knew...
  15. F

    Secret Nest is Now Out of Bounds - What Can I Do?

    My four ex-batts have been with me for a little over a month now, in that time they've started roaming and it's been lovely to see them build their confidence. Bit of background; I live on a rural lane and one of my neighbours also has chickens who have always been free range. So I didn't...
  16. SubourbonChicken

    Hen or roo? Always second guessing.

    I have what I think are two young hens, (Buff Orphington+Barred Brahma about 6 wks old) but as worried as I am I'm always second guessing! We have one roo and no room for another, any guesses?
  17. Perplexed Perri

    Perplexed Perri

    She looks kinda confused in this picture! (2018-2020, RIP)
  18. BokBokBeginner

    Any girls here please?

    Hello I've been impatiently waiting 7 weeks now for my 14 chicks to be big enough to identify gender. I'm sadly thinking I have all boys... Any help will be greatly appreciated
  19. H

    Weird Chicken Crop!!?

    Hi guys me again another question about the runt that hatched (we call them chicken nugget now :love) About a week ago we found what looked to be a bubble we decided to keep an eye on it when we realized it was the babies crop!:eek: It’s not a question about the crop but more on where it is, the...
  20. BokBokBeginner

    10wk old he or she maybe RIR or not please help?

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