
  1. K

    Wry Neck & Immobility: When is it time to give up?

    At what point does wry neck, likely caused by an injury, become irreversible? We discovered our silkie in this condition early today. We've been giving her vitamin E and egg, but she's immobile, lying on her side, kicking in the air, with her eyes fluttering and neck curled under. When we hold...
  2. fuzzi

    Were You Attacked and Injured by YOUR Rooster?

    For those who were attacked and injured by their own rooster, please respond. My rooster attacked me in the face, just missed my eye. I'm not keeping him, but would appreciate input from others.
  3. GGx

    Draining blood from a chicken that's already dead

    Hi, I'm writing a scene for a novel but, never having reared or culled chickens, I'm hoping you can help me get it right. It may seem frivolous to be asking hypothetical questions in a forum but we novelists get a very hard time for not doing our research. A dog (a hunting breed) gets into the...
  4. Mrsmalexander8

    When can my child participate in culling?

    we are first year chicken owners and will be culling and eating the extra cockerels. it is important to us that our children know where food comes from, but we don’t want to do something they may not be ready for by allowing them to participate in the process. I did not grow up in a family...
  5. L

    Infected flock: contemplating culling

    Good evening everybody, An important preface: We have reached out to almost every veterinarian in our state (we live in the US). Almost all of them are either completely booked or have stopped seeing poultry altogether. We were able to get an unofficial diagnosis from an acquaintance who is a...
  6. BokBokGoose

    Ugh, I think my new Silkie Chicks have MG

    I’m pretty frustrated and going back and forth on what to do with them. I purchased these chicks locally just for fun to add to my existing large flocks including layers, and several breeding projects I’m working on. The chicks have been isolated 100% in a metal brooder in my basement since...
  7. HenriettaPizzaNolan

    Poll: When is the right time to cull a chicken?

    I have only been keeping chickens for a year (started my flock with older birds) and have had to cull two Golden Comets who developed what I believe was salpingitis. It got so bad and I wanted to put them out of their misery. Right now I have another hen who is having trouble with egg-laying but...
  8. Atripp06120

    questioning the avian flu

    Hi everyone! I know the avian flu has been on top of everyone's mind and obviously its a concern for all of us with any number of birds. I've really been trying to do some research on it and have been trying to do a deep dive into the history of it and trying to find numbers. It appears this...
  9. M

    Mycoplasma..? What do I do next?

    I live very rural and I’ve called around, no vet within 100 miles is willing to see chickens so I can’t have them tested to be sure. Last month I posted about my chickens Sneezing, head shaking, having runny watery brown poops that are very smelly, puffy eyes, and redder faces. After Tylosin...
  10. K

    Corza or MG? HELP PLEASE!

    I have approx 10 month old Hen who has been showing signs of a respiratory illness such as Corza or MG. I am afraid its MG and this is why.... It is now Day 6 of on set of symptoms, One Goopy eye with some bubbles. No Other symptoms. I have started with Terramycin eye ointment 3x daily. I have...
  11. DramaBrahmaMama

    Culling chicks, the hard talk

    I took about 5-6 years off of raising chickens. It's all coming back to me. And unfortunately, yesterday we had to cull our little 5-day old brahma that was struggling with respiratory issues. We did all we could do for 3 days, but she was suffering. Culling is a terrible reality of any farm or...
  12. H

    Abundance of roosters

    We’ve owned chickens for many years now but have yet to find a good solution for roosters. Currently we have a pen with just roosters and a pen with hens and a couple roosters but it’s still too many. I love them and they are mostly amicable with each other but they are definitely doing damage...
  13. Chickeeaholic

    In Memory of Tigger

    This is for Tigger. Sorry this is sad, and even if no one reads this, I guess it's for me too, to process the loss. I loved her. She was an olive egger cutie pie I got last February. She was a runt. I had to fight through pasty butt with her and spend time warming her against my chest and hands...
  14. Roosteria

    19 weeks old flock and roo problems (need advice please)

    Hi, I'll try to summarize what's going on in my 19 weeks old flock of chickens that were all raised together and be as short as possible, but I definitely need some advice from someone with more experience or just a reaffirmation that I'm thinking in the right direction. There are 10 pullets...
  15. fivechicks715

    Should I cull my chicken

    She is 2 years old, my favorite girl. Here’s a little backstory: I had 6 chickens, then two months ago one of my silkies wasn’t coming out of the run, but was still walking and eating, then I found her dead one day leaned over as if she died in her sleep. Then a month or so after that my buff...
  16. A

    Rooster.. to kill or keep?

    I am looking for some advice. Not sure how to handle my rooster, so I will explain the situation and ask for thoughts. I have a flock of 33 hens and one rooster. I have rehoused two hens and likely will rehouse 2 more for spacing and because food is expensive. I have tried to rehouse the...
  17. chickbee

    PLEASE watch video: Cull/Euthanize?

    Please watch and let me know thoughts? Do I go ahead and just end this poor girls life? This has been going on for about a week. This hen has changed quickly. Less than two weeks ago she was her usual full-feathered, sturdy self. Also the leader...
  18. Madamegato

    First Cull! (No pics)

    Hello all! TLDR: I butchered two of my layers tonight who were tormenting my younger girls. They were killed cleanly and easily and are now resting in fridge camp for a couple days before they move to freezer camp and then a stew pot. My first slaughter! The long version! We started keeping...
  19. RM18

    Salmonella, do I kill the whole flock?

    My family contracted salmonella a few days back. (I had it for a day, my husband has had it for a week now, and my son had it for about 5 days) The bird we culled was lethargic and dirty. We killed it and got rid of it but now I’m wondering if the whole flock needs to be culled... they are all...
  20. D

    Which drake to keep?

    Hi there! We have two generations of khaki ducks, now all at mating age. In the flock, there are three females and three drakes so it’s time to cull and pick one to keep for future incubation. We have one drake who we got from a farm along with two other females, all of which are just over one...
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