
  1. J

    HELP! premie duckling

    hi! this is my first time incubating duck eggs i had a batch of 7 pekins duck eggs and 4 were fertile at first then 3 died inside the shell a few days later only 1 hatched but it pipped a few days early and the shell was hard and the membrane was like paper and it was hard for the duckling to...
  2. C

    Duckling - Orange Foamy Poo

    Hi, I have a two week old Indian runner duck, she is a little smaller than my other two but otherwise has been healthy and fine. They live in a brooder inside my house and eat non medicated chick crumb, supplemented with niacin. I clean them out every morning and usually in the afternoon as...
  3. S

    !! (please) HELP !! 3 wk duckling health declining !!!!!!

    First time duck owner here, I have 3 ducklings who've been healthy so far until 3 days ago when one of them stopped eating and started acting very lethargic. As of this morning, she's constantly panting, even though she's in a cool area. She is drinking and pooping, her poop is mainly liquid but...
  4. E

    Can I give my ducklings to much brewers yeast?

    Can I give my ducklings too much brewers yeast?, worried I’m not giving them enough but don’t want too give them too much.
  5. A

    Ducklings dying, please help!

    Four ducklings wandered into my yard yesterday morning. Just tonight, two of them died. We found the first lying dead. We thought maybe it had snapped it’s neck because they were laying at an odd angle. However, at 3am (2 hours later), another one was acting oddly. It seemed like the poor little...
  6. sapphire_duck

    Just hatched duckling rarely opens eyes, should I be concerned?

    I have never hatched eggs before and today is the day all of my ducklings are hatching. A few of them have hatched already and I've noticed that one of my ducklings barely opens its eyes. All of its siblings are running around in the incubator, eyes wide. While this duckling is just as energetic...
  7. L

    1 duckling with niacin defiency, only eating mealworm for now and 1 more duckling not eating or drinking at all.

    Hi community of BYC, with heavy heart I have 2 ducklings with problems. First duckling have niacin defiency and is only eating mealworm for now. Tried to feed peas and carrots but the duckling doesn't eat at all. Doesn't show interest at all. Now I've been adding vitamins into their drinking...
  8. ChickenWitch1

    Anyone know what breed this duckling is?

    Got her from atwoods.
  9. Kibademon666

    Does this color difference mean anything/is it normal?

    I have two mallard ducklings, almost 6 weeks old. I don't know their genders Just wondering if the difference in appearance had anything to do with gender or if it was even a normal mallard thing?
  10. Yoshi3771

    HELP! Duck 3rd eyelid stuck

    My 1 say old ducklings 3rd eyelid (the lid they use underwater) is stuck in the middle of his eye, this happened to one of my other duckling I was raising last year and he passed a few days after. He is acting normal right now, but I’m scared that he won’t make it. His water eyelid is also very...
  11. sscaria

    Let's play "What's Wrong With My Duckling", Shall We?

    Alright, there seems to be something wrong with my duckling, but I can't quite figure out what. Maybe the BYC Community can help. It all started when we had a broody chicken. We have ducks along with the chickens (we bought the ducks August 2020, a few months old around the time) and they were...
  12. C

    Urgent duckling sick!!!!!!!!

    My week old duckling has been breathing with its mouth opened struggling to breathe, and sometimes im hearing a clicking sound. Also drinking much less than normal and eating less. It hasnt been running around like usual just sitting there instead. And sneezing with stuff coming out of nose. I...
  13. TheCookyChickenLady

    Flock Raiser for ducklings

    Hello! I have 3 2week old ducklings and I just ran out of their duckling starter. I was thinking of getting flock raiser crumble as I have heard good things from friends that raise ducks. Is this a good feed? Would I need to add nutritional yeast for niacin? How much? They are Cayuga, Swedish...
  14. TheCookyChickenLady

    Ducklings eating shavings?

    Here I am again, with another duck question.My ducklings are 12 days old and have been on towels since I got them when they were 3 days old as one seemed to injest something most likely as shaving and was having issues swallowing, she’s good now but that worried me so they got put on towels...
  15. TheCookyChickenLady

    Duckling grit

    Hello! I have 3 almost 2 week old ducklings. I have been letting them swim for 6 minutes at a time in a bathtub with about an inch of water. I started adding some bits of herbs from our garden into the water to interest them yesterday (Oregano, thyme, mint, basil) not much at all, just a pitch...
  16. TheCookyChickenLady

    Missing fluff

    Hello! One of my ducklings is looking a little odd. They are all 8 days old. Her fluff looks a little strange, the fluff is a little more seperated. I think this could be so to some bigger feathers coming in. She also has a spot missing fluff on one side of her neck. It’s doesn’t look overly...
  17. Y

    Duck missing neck feathers

    I left my ducks in their run for the day, and when I returned I found my female pekin (about 15 weeks old) was missing some feathers on the back of her neck (I have attached some photos below), I also have an Indian runner duck who I believe is a drake by his quack, who is only 11 weeks old. I...
  18. RanditheDuckMother

    day 30 and ducks still didn’t hatch!

    Hi, i’m a first time hatcher. I’ve recently started incubating duck eggs and only one hatched in day 28. I have 5 eggs in all. Another one looks like the hard shell chipped off already but the thin part wasn’t broken through. Should I help it?
  19. RanditheDuckMother

    Can I use tap water and hose water for my ducks?

    I have some ducks hatching soon and I would like to know if I can use tap and hose water for my ducks. While they’re small I would like to let them swim in the bath tub/sink. When they get older the plan is to get them a kiddie pool and fill it up with water. This is my first time hatching...
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