
  1. TurGoosen

    Overly picky goslings

    I’m trying to introduce new food to my goslings. So far I’ve given them chopped apples, strawberries, green peas, lettuce, various grasses, watermelon, blackberries, blueberries and mulberries. They only ate the watermelon, peas, lettuce and grass. Any suggestions to get them to try new foods? I...
  2. GlicksChicks

    Food "Forest" Ideas?

    Today while I was collecting seeds from my Cauliflower seed pods I was thinking about the seed pods opening up on their own when I wasn't around, and that got me thinking even more.. What if I made a garden section where I left the plants, partially, to their own devices. I would still water...
  3. Y

    Some good foods to feed (or not feed) your chickens!

    Hi! I am here to give some tips on maybe what you could feed your chickens if they are tired of feed! Black Oil sunflower seeds (shell on) Broccoli leaves (Leaves of the plant itself, not the flower) Lemon Balm (they will eat any part of the plant Organic fresh berries (I have given them...
  4. KimbosKluckers

    Need more food, should it be crumbles again?

    My chicks are 10 weeks old and I have about 5-6 days worth of their crumbles left. When it’s time I plan to feed all flock and oyster shells. Obviously they’re not laying yet. Should I buy all flock now or another bag of crumbles? Thanks!
  5. saracarver3

    What is doing this to my feed?

    Anyone have any idea what is sneaking into the run and making these little balls of food at night? This morning I also found this dropping…this just started in the last week or two and now it’s every night. The birds eat it in the morning lol. Thanks!
  6. GlicksChicks

    Eight-Spotted Forester Moth, Safe for Chickens?

    There are an abundance of eight-spotted forester caterpillars on virginia creepers around here and I was wondering if they would be safe for my chickens to eat. All the caterpillars eat are grapevines and virginia creepers so I can't see how they could be dangerous, but I have not found much in...
  7. Tiffany Wikk

    Post your food!

    I wanna see everyone's lovely meals from the eggs of your precious flocks. I'll go first! Here's my fried egg from breakfast on some ham and freshly homemade bread (made by my awesome mom) with some cheese, tomatoes, and such. It's wonderful to get some amazing breakfasts from the eggs of my...
  8. Greaner_pastures

    Raw fish.

    I saw a few things about being able to feed my girls raw fish, but nothing about deboning them. Does anyone know if that should be done or can I throw it in whole, head and all? Going to be giving them a trout if that makes any difference. Tyia
  9. C

    Introducing chick grit

    It is time to introduce my chicks to grit, I have sprinkled it over their food a few days. Do I continue to do that or do I offer it by itself? I have them on paper towels right now because they have been eating the wood shavings, I would like to move them back to wood, but read it’s good to...
  10. MamaPoult

    Favorite vegetable

    What's everyones favorite veggies? I love cucumbers and hate kale and most other veggies too🤣. To be honest I prefer sweets😆. So come on crazy veggie lovers and vote!
  11. D

    Protect coop from mini pig?

    I have 2 chickens, 1.5yr apart in age and my older australorp killed 3 speckled Sussex on the same day! So with only one SS left, I had to make a partition so they have separate coop/runs. Over the past year, the wood of the coop weakened with the elements and the mini pig (which I've had since...
  12. Chicks in VA

    Any good way to prepare whole birds?

    I am looking to cook 2 RIR roosters ,wondering what's a way to get a whole bird not tough but still have that farm fresh flavor if you know what I mean!Thanks
  13. Savannah_Likes_Chickens

    What can i grow my chooks?

    I’m thinking about growing some crops for my girls, and i need some help on what i can grow. I was thinking about Oregano Alfalfa, and some kind of lettuce (not iceberg). Any ideas? Mainly looking for leafy-type Or grassy crops.
  14. N

    My duck ate tiny piece of wallnut's shell

    Hi guys..Today my anacona drake suddenly ate a tiny piece of wallnut's shell..I'm terrified that this is going to hurt his digestive system and organs...The piece is as same size as the pic I uploaded...What should I do?
  15. ChickGalSyl

    Are dead crickets okay to feed to chickens?

    My friend has a pet gecko and she accidentally ordered too many crickets (food for the gecko), but some of them died. I was wondering if these would be safe to feed to my chickens? They died maybe a day ago. I was wondering because she told me that she can’t feed the dead ones to her gecko...
  16. N

    Can u give ducks fish?

    I saw that ducks like to eat tiny fishes such as sardine etc...Can I give my drakes tiny fishes? And should I cooked them? And I'm concerned about the bones also I'm afraid it's going to be a high fat meal for drakes since drakes burn less calories than hens.
  17. N

    How to feed mealworms to ducks

    Hi guys I have a question..can u feed ducks mealworms? How many mealworms should u give to each duck? I have two 7 months drakes...And should I cook the mealworms with boiled water and give it to them with water or should I just mix dried mealworms into their dry food?
  18. N

    My ducks have no interest in their pellet food

    Hi guys. I have one Pekin and one magpie. They both are 7 months years old. Recently they don't show interest in their pellet food and they just want something else like veggies...They don't eat pellet food immediately like they used to eat..I give them some veggies like cucumber and tomatoes...
  19. ShrekDawg

    Do you like MUSHROOMS!?!??!!

    Yes or no .
  20. thoeffel1994

    For those who raise their ducks for meat. What are your favorite duck recipes?

    For those who raise their ducks for meat. What are your favorite duck recipes? Any suggestions on a good recipe to take to a potluck?
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