
  1. Frodo the Pekin

    Duckling egg externally pipped but no movement or developing in hours. Please HELP!

    Hi!! It's day 27 of my duck incubation journey and one of the eggs has externally pipped overnight and at about 9 AM when I woke up to check on them there was a small cracked bump like they do once they start to externally pip. The previous evening I could hear it tapping and saw it rocking...
  2. S

    Journey - Any minute!

    I decided that I needed a goose or 5 to help alert me to issues with my Chickie-doos. My pyrs bark so much, and it’s never anything important, so I quit running to the window 8,000 times a day and night about 2 years ago. Geese should, from what I’ve read, be a more dependable alarm for...
  3. G

    New and Need help!

    Hi! New and need help! My name is Gemma and I have a very small flock of sweet chickens. We are currently in the process of hatching a gosling egg too but are having some difficulties. We can not see through the shell. No matter what light used. is the shell too thick? The egg smells fresh and...
  4. K

    Toxic Incubator

    Hi all, I am hatching eggs in my classroom. I had 14 hatch in a styrofoam incubator. Because of the high hatch rate and the varying hatch times, my incubator got really gross on the inside. I had four more who were trying to hatch, but never made it. Could the air in the incubator be toxic...
  5. W

    Chick hatched leg stuck up

    This chick hatched about 3 hours ago. The leg is stuck up and it can’t put it down. It is trying to get up and walk around and is kind of hobbling. Any suggestions?
  6. C

    My baby chick can’t get up

    We just hatched a baby chick in my class, and it seems like one of its legs isn’t working properly, but it’s can still move. The chick was stuck in the egg for about 3 days, but she did get out. It has had a couple good drink of water, but now is peeping because she can’t get up. We think her...
  7. Kitkat1992

    Duck egg 2 air sacs and/or malpositioned. Need advice asap

    Advice on if I need to assist with this hatch. Newbie so I don't know what I'm doing. Not sure the exact days either. I don't want to lose the little duckling so any help would be great. Thank you. Incubation temp 100° Humidity 50%
  8. Goose in the snake room

    HELP! Prolapsed naval/unabsorbed yolk in gosling

    I hatched this baby last night at 3am (12 hours ago). I noticed as soon as he hatched there was an issue and after doing research I decided to place him in a cup to keep him from flopping around and injuring his naval any further. He’s been in moist paper towels in a cup in the incubator for 12...
  9. R

    Looks like intestine was sticking out and wrapped around leg.

    Does anyone know what this is? When the chick hatched (assisted hatch) there was some blood and after a few moments. I realized the leg was wrapped in what looks like an intestine. I've gotten the leg unwrapped but there's still something sticking out. Should I push it back in or leave it alone?
  10. TattooedChickenPapa

    Early Bird Serama

    My little girl Nyx, after maturing and laying eggs for only 2 weeks went SUPER broody to the point where my sweet cuddly girl was trying to nest in shrubs and the neighbors yard to avoid us taking her eggs. So I bought 6 fertilized eggs and am letting her hatch'em😁🙄 This will be the first time...
  11. J

    No vent holes on chinese incubator

    I have a 35$ cheapo incubator for my first hatch, 10 out of 12 eggs have embryos and I'm on day 18. I've seen reviews of this one with fluffy chicks running around inside that also had ducks in the same batch so I think I'm good but there's no obvious ventilation. Unless the lip around the dome...
  12. ChickaChicka1

    Day 21 no internal or external pips **PICTURES

    Hi there! This is my first time incubating eggs, so I don't really know what to be looking for. On March 2nd, I set 7 Barred Plymouth Rock eggs (they are shipped eggs I got from Meyer Hatchery) in the incubator around 1pm, which makes today day 21. 5 eggs made it to lockdown. The temperature...
  13. R

    Internal pipping?

    So my emu eggs are approaching their hatch date but i'm not sure when to stop turning them. How to tell if they pipped internally, any tips? Thanks
  14. Willow Ridge Farm

    Storing eggs before incubation in cold weather

    I live in a snowy climate and would like to collect some eggs to put in the incubator to hatch in mid March. If I collect the eggs at the end of the day and they have been possibly under 40F for a few hours, has that already killed the embryo? If I collect them and they haven’t been under 40F, I...
  15. DovesFlock

    Yet Another Hatch-a-long (December 2023)

    I just a got an incubator and with the new additions to the flock and a new layer I ended up collecting 31 eggs. (The incubator can hold up to 41 for future reference) That being said it’s time to pick an egg! Here’s how it’ll work: - I will give the numbers that’s on each egg. - I will...
  16. M

    First Ever Hatch Along! - Maran Mixes

    My first chick started pipping last night around 8:30pm, at about 7am this morning I heard the peeping of the first baby! This is my first hatch, quite a compulsive decision. We had to cull our rooster after he tried attacking me, but I didn't want to miss trying for some olive eggers! I was...
  17. PhelanHeritageBirds

    Today is hatch day!!! First timer just excited!!!

    So excited this is my first hatch. Too be honest I probably let more eggs stay in than I should have so I hope none explode. I just feel I waited so long for this day and I’ll be happy if just three open up. I just need three so they can have each other. I’m just so excited!!!!
  18. S

    HELP I prematurely cracked an egg on day 19

    I have no idea what I’m doing, my boss’s kid is hatching quails in the smart mini automatic incubator and we almost threw them out! I had a feeling to check to see if they were really all duds, and I lightly pushed on the egg and it cracked,and the chick started CHIRPING. I felt so bad...
  19. C

    Need help with first time mama duck

    I posted this in the incubating and hatching eggs but didn’t get much of a response. My anacona became a first time mom yesterday hatching out 3 beautiful baby ducklings. To keep the babies safe I closed off her part of the run from the rest of the flock a few days prior to hatching. She...
  20. JLoWil

    Pipping now!!!

    This is my first time hatching in an incubator. Today is day 21. One is Currently pipping. Here’s a video. Does everything look ok? It’s chirping and moving around
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