
  1. Layla_Chickens

    What is going on with my silkie hen?

    I have a silkie hen and she has never had chicks but has layed normally. So now she has decided she wants to have chicks so she's been in the nesting box and protecting her eggs and everything and I couldn't be more proud. But before anything happened I had introduced another hen I had from my...
  2. S

    Journey - Any minute!

    I decided that I needed a goose or 5 to help alert me to issues with my Chickie-doos. My pyrs bark so much, and it’s never anything important, so I quit running to the window 8,000 times a day and night about 2 years ago. Geese should, from what I’ve read, be a more dependable alarm for...
  3. LaurenGrindlesChix

    Hen or Roo Black Copper Marans Edition 😁

    Hey guys, I have three Black Copper Marans and one BCM/RIR cross that are about 3 weeks old and I want to know your thoughts on what I have. 🧐 I’ve read that BCM are pretty early showers of gender and I’m wondering if I have three boys…🤨 Number 2 definitely looks like a cockerel to me but the...
  4. LilFinnGirl

    Questions about banded buckling, need advice please

    Hello all, Hoping someone here has experience with goats and can ease my worries. New to owning goats. We banded our ~10 week old buckling last week. All went well, almost TOO well, it seems. Made sure both testes were in, teats were out, he peed afterwards, no issues. He has not shown a single...
  5. GlicksChicks

    Food "Forest" Ideas?

    Today while I was collecting seeds from my Cauliflower seed pods I was thinking about the seed pods opening up on their own when I wasn't around, and that got me thinking even more.. What if I made a garden section where I left the plants, partially, to their own devices. I would still water...
  6. S


    it does crow but we heard that hens can to show dominance but we don’t know what to believe. so what’s your opinion?
  7. C


    Anybody have any guesses on breed and or gender of these two 14 wk old chicks
  8. TurGoosen

    HELP!? Gosling with a swollen stomach

    I have a pair of goslings around a week and a half old. One is very large, constantly running around and eating. The other about half its size and seems sluggish and unsteady on its feet in comparison with what seems to me to be a visibly swollen stomach which is hard to the touch. Both are...
  9. P

    Please Help!!

    Hi ladies and gents. I am brand new here. Need immediate help with my almost 2 year old white leghorn hen. It’s been almost 72 hours since we noticed symptoms. She can’t stand well, when she tries she uses her wing as a crutch then falls down and stays there. Not eating and drinking. No eggs and...
  10. ElGoose

    Gosling eye looks sore?

    This is one of the new goslings, they’ve had a few issues ever since they came such as being quite tired and sitting down a lot, but getting more active as now they’re eating a lot of grass and peas and lettuce alongside waterfowl feed… though when I look closer it looks like Walter has a sore...
  11. F

    Help! Lethargic Hen with Mushy but Emptying Crop

    I have grown up with chickens my whole life and was recently asked to petsit 4 newly adopted hens for a friend. I'm not sure exactly how old they are but I think they are relatively new egg layers so maybe around 30 weeks? The first day hen sitting I noticed one Rhode Island Red was quite...
  12. Micoylf

    Gender help? White Peafowl

    I’ve posted on here before but haven’t gotten any conclusive answers, i has hoping now that they’re a bit older people would have an easier time identifying them? I have a india blue male (Juno) who i adore and a white peafowl (Fixit) who i have been going back and forth on gender guessing since...
  13. Eggsandbeyond


    Has anyone dealt with mareks and can give me some insight on the beginning stages? I have 2 amerecaunas from the same place a friend got them from a hatchery. They're about 4 months old now have been in my flock since 6 weeks. No new additions no change since getting them. 2 days ago one was...
  14. G

    New and Need help!

    Hi! New and need help! My name is Gemma and I have a very small flock of sweet chickens. We are currently in the process of hatching a gosling egg too but are having some difficulties. We can not see through the shell. No matter what light used. is the shell too thick? The egg smells fresh and...
  15. M

    Crippled chick help

    I have this sweet little late hatcher that hatched last of all 42 of my chicks. He took forever to hatch and when he finally did his toes were curled up bad. Two hours later the still hadn’t improved so I made him some little masking tape shoes and carefully arranged his toes and trimmed of the...
  16. ElGoose

    Is this an ok size for 2 and 1/2 week gosling?

    So Zilla was cleared by the vet and hasn’t had any more leg issues so far but we were advised to get some worming treatment anyway just incase which will be here by Sunday at the latest - I’m mainly just slightly concerned as it feels like she’s not growing very fast and sadly I don’t have her...
  17. Goose in the snake room

    HELP! Correct dosing Baytril/enrofloxacin

    I’m attempting to treat a respiratory infection in my 2 goslings. I have (Baytril) enrofloxacin 10% powder, meaning for 100mg of powder only 10mg is enrofloxacin. My geese are 6.8 and 6.6 lbs which is 3.08kg and 2.99kg. The dosing recommendations are 10mg of enrofloxacin per kg. So (from what...
  18. B

    Whats wrong?!

    This is the third week.I thought my girl was broody. Maybe she is. She hasn't eaten or drank water. She looks like this all day. Her wing is droopy. She won't pick her head up. I have no idea what's going on. Her feathers get puffy when you go near her. The 2 other chickens have been pecking...
  19. R

    What is this????? Goose poop not normal!!!

    My gosling pooped this and it was hard and rubbery and weird she’s completely normal is this some kind of compact food? It was like layered and look like food inside never seen this before and I’m just curious. No blood just this and watery poop
  20. M

    Chick eye won’t open

    Hey. So I just hatched a little chick and its eyes won’t open. I think I saw one crack open a little bit but not sure. Is there anything I can do?
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