
  1. chickenfarming101

    Does this mean the chick is male or is there something wrong?

    This chick was naturally bred by our Cochin Bantam rooster and Japanese Bantam hen. We've had 2 other chickens bred from these two who both turned out to be hens. Does the lump on this chicks chest signify that its a rooster or some sort of issue like an air bubble?
  2. Abbyroadrescuetx

    Victor and Sassy Mallard's mom

    Hello all, I haven't done this since the 'net was 'new' and people were excited to be able to talk to each other online! BUT I love my ducks...who knew they were THIS enthralling...and I definitely want advice from those who have already tried different options. Additionally, I just enjoy...
  3. nugget-tn

    Is this normal???

    Can someone help and look at these photos and tell me if this is normal or what?
  4. Jynuine

    Purchased and Hatched Bresse: Boy What a pain! And Leg Issue Q:

    Hi! So, I am invested in raising Bresse as my dual-purpose breed. I am aware of some of the issues that can arise with Bresse including genetic differences due to inbreeding and lack of fresh genetic material. I spent a good $200 on 6 Bresse from Greenfire farms ($29 a chick with 6 chick min and...
  5. Poultrykeeper12

    Day 15 trouble!

    Hello Byc! So I am on day 15 of incubation. But of course some issues happend. While I was gone picking up my chick stuff the incubator must have unplugged. Because when I got home, the humidity was all the way up 75% and the temperature was down to 70F. I think it must have been off for an...
  6. MysteryChicken

    How too keep humidity stable in a house with low humidity?

    Hello, I'm incubating eggs, & on day 11, 7 days until lock down. I'm trying to keep my humidity at 35% - 45%, & it doesn't want to stay that way any longer then maybe 20-30 minutes. Each time it drops I add extra water, & it rises to about 47-55% humidity, then drops rapidly. Since the house is...
  7. HendricksonHomestead

    Egg Laying Issues

    I got 3 one year old laying hens (1 RIR, 1 barred rock, 1 isa brown) at the end of June from someone rehoming them. They were all laying one egg a day consistently right away for about two weeks. Then all of a sudden the barred rock and isa brown stopped laying completely. I didn't know if it...
  8. K

    Silkie having seizures would like some help and advice

    My 1 year old silkie chicken has been having seizures since mid January, so around two months. At first she was acting strange and we brought her in and separated from the others. She wasn't cleaning herself so we gave her an epsom salt bath and noticed an injury on her foot. The foot was...
  9. NorthernChick1

    Dry, Cracked Duck Feet

    I've noticed today that my muscovy has dry cracked feet. She waddles outside but then ends up cracking and bleeding her pad. The bedding in the coop is all shavings. I just want to know how i go about it! I was thinking about buttering them up with polysporin but all the shavings will stick to...
  10. majasdee

    *Help!* Chicken with crop/constipation issues

    So we have a 1 year old Chinese silkie hen that has been nesting recently and a few weeks ago i had noticed she had lost a lot of weight so i separated her from the rest and have tried to put weight back on her. Long story short i had issues with putting weight on her so i took her to a bird...
  11. Bettyboop7499

    Feedback I Have An "Issue"..

    Ok BYC people, a little bone to pick not a real serious bone but a bone none the less... When you post a question or are having an issue about one of your critters, do me a solid and finish the thread by posting the outcome! I read these threads from beginning to end...and When the thread just...
  12. zs14

    Featherless Head/Recovering from bullying.

    Hi friends, I received 27 chickens via Hoovers April 13th (7 weeks ago). We got a variety of breeds, including a Leghorn, GLW, Brhamas, New Hampshires, Polish, some Sex-Links and a couple more. Because of some permit troubles, at 6 weeks (when we deemed it time to put the birds outside) we still...
  13. Lifeiseasy

    Broody Adventure

    I mainly need a few questions answered and if anyone has links to something that could help that'd be great! So whats happening is I have a first time broody hen. All of my chickens are year old RIRs, we have a rooster and five hens. My hen went broody yesterday and sat on four eggs. My mother...
  14. temppora

    Attachment Issues?

    Hello there!! I recently got my first ever chick, and she is about 6 weeks old.. She is the only chicken that I have and most likely will have right now.. I have noticed that whenever I put her back in single coop, she starts to sound distressed, and tries to hop out and follow me.. She paces...
  15. Rachealx4

    Investigating Angry Birds

    Idk if anyone else is having this problem butthe Angry Bird ad is hijacking my app. I'll be reading on here and it will pop up. The only way to get rid of it is by completely exiting it of the BYC app. This just started this past week.
  16. J

    Worried About my Pheasant Hen~

    I have about a 6 1/2 to 7th month old ring necked pheasant hen who has had issues defecating, as awkward as it is to post. The pheasant, Frisk, first had this issue when she was still a chick but it went away for a while yet now it has sprung back up. Whenever she defecates, she has basically...
  17. hannah green

    Issue with hatching

    Hi, this is my first time hatching eggs. I have six eggs and one of them has already hatched and is in the brooder. Another one just hatched but still has the shell stuck to its head and its stomach looks pretty big. It also looks like a red bump on its stomach that might be bleeding and one of...
  18. J1Bern

    Should I be concerned?

    I have two Rouen ducks. Not sure of their sex yet but am concerned about one that has deep grooves/lines on his neck. Can anyone tell me if this is something to be concerned about? I also have noticed feathers on his legs. Is this normal?
  19. Chickadees and me


    Okay so I have a buff orpington and she was brooding so we got her 3 chicks (a white leghorn, a sliver laced Wyandotte and a black sexlink.) she was fine with the chicks for 2 months and the sexlink turned out be a rooster so we gave him away. we got a new hen we think she is a ameriauna barred...
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