khaki cambells

  1. Betny991

    Khaki Campbell vanished. Please help.

    I adopted two khaki Campbell’s as babies and have had them since. They are free range and always go to their coop at night without fail. They have been free range for over a month now. They are around 3 months old. This morning as per usual we let them both out and they were perfectly fine then...
  2. Hannahruepepsie

    Eating my ducks eggs?!

    one of my ducks has recently just started laying eggs. However for a while they were indoors and are now outside and so have not wormed them yet! I was just wondering if it is still safe to eat the eggs if my duck has not been wormed yet or should I wait until after they have been wormed? I have...
  3. ldhs16

    Michigan: 6 Mth+ Khaki Campbell Female Ducks

    Hey Everyone! We are looking for a 2, 6+ month old Khaki Campbell female ducks to place with our male duck. Does anyone have 2 available for us? If you have a different breed of duck, we’d be open to that as well as we are not seeking to raise ducklings. Thank you, Lindsay and Jeff
  4. Jackjackandbernice

    Runners or khakis, pekin or white layer?

    Hello everyone. I got started with chickens when I rescued an abandoned coop earlier this year. They've brought me a lot of joy and our little flock expanded quickly. About 1.5 months ago I decided life was incomplete without some ducks so I went to tractor supply and bought what I thought were...
  5. Hannahruepepsie

    When shall I expect eggs?

    I have two ducks the khaki Campbell (Pepsi) and a runner (Rue) if both are hens when will I be expecting eggs from them and do they need somewhere perticular to lay them or will they just lay them where they want? They stay outside all day and come in on a night due to the amount of foxes that...
  6. Hannahruepepsie

    I can't tell if my ducks are male or female?!

    Hi everyone, I have got two ducks I've had them since they hatched and they are just over 12 weeks now, I bloody love them so much the problem is I don't know if they are drakes or hens (this is the first time I've had ducks) I've looked online at lots of websites and still can't tell. I have a...
  7. mlmaxson

    NH-Khaki Campbell Ducks and assorted hens

    I have 2 free drakes who need a new home. Both are 5 months old. 6 assorted hens about 2 years old. Hens are laying and extremely friendly, raised with children. I need to downsize my flock because I’m leaving for the winter and my S.O. will be left to care for the animals. I need to make...
  8. P

    Introducing baby ducks and other questions...

    Hi, I have two 6 week old khaki campbell girls who are getting way too big for their brooder as it's inside my house! I have been trying to introduce them to my other two (both pekin-type females). I started by letting them out all together but the little ones were very skittery and I was scared...
  9. Claires Poultry

    The Quacki Campbell Thread

    Hello everyone! :frow Welcome to The Quacki Campbell Thread! This thread is for posting pictures, stories, and videos of our Khaki Campbell ducks! @HuffleClaw @Trimurtisan @astrickler @allmyotherpeepswhowouldliketojoin! So get to posting! ;) I wanna see pics of your quackers! :wee Here are...
  10. TheJohnsonAcre

    Indian Runner VS Khaki Campbells

    Having trouble deciding which breeds to add to my flock. I’m raising mostly for eggs and possibly to hatch more off and sell some eventually. Just wanting to get some opinions. This is my options I believe, 12 Indian Runner ducklings, 12 khaki Campbells ducklings, or 4 khaki Campbell females and...
  11. D

    Wobbly Duck

    My Khaki Campbell duck is only an estimated 3-4 months old. She’s lost all her visible baby fluff and can fly. She’s currently having some issues walking, running, or getting up. She’s high stepping and keeps falling. We’ve given her niacin and Apple cider vinegar already. Last time she did...
  12. louiseschwieker

    Duck gender?

    I have 2 ducks who both supposedly hatched April 27th (2 months old?) The white one is a pekin and the brown one is a khaki Cambell. Or that's what they were sold to me as. Can you tell the gender at this age or is it still too early? And what signs should I look for? Thanks!
  13. aesch

    Finishing my ducks before slaughter

    Hello everyone. I'm getting my four Khaki Campbells (12 weeks), and 2 Pekins (almost a year ... long story), processed in a couple of weeks. I'm not sure about the eating quality of the Pekins, they weigh about 12 lbs each, but was told the KCs should be fine although they are only about five...
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