
  1. B

    Help, turkey leg or hip injury

    Hello, one of my gobblers has had a bit of a limp for the past year or so but it didn't seem to bother him too much. After a recent run in with our other male he has a very pronounced limp that seems very painful. Not sure what to do? I will try to post a video.
  2. LazyBirds

    Muscovy Duck Leg help

    Hi all! Wishing everyone and their feathery families peace to the mind. ♡ I have 2 muscovy females and one of them seems to have something wrong with her leg. They've both been broody and been in their nests all day for a couple weeks now. Lilith, the injured one, has some kind of scab or cut...
  3. W

    Slipped tendon?

    This chick hatched about 8 hours ago. One of the legs is stuck up. It is trying to stand and cannot. Is there a way to fix this? The toes are all fully developed.
  4. W

    Chick hatched leg stuck up

    This chick hatched about 3 hours ago. The leg is stuck up and it can’t put it down. It is trying to get up and walk around and is kind of hobbling. Any suggestions?
  5. C

    Hi Everyone! -RomanGeese

    Hi everyone! I recently purchased five Roman Tufted geese. The one baby left “knee” looks swollen and it wobbles when it walks as it cannot fully put its I was told to put a makeshift splint on it and give vitamins daily. Just wanted to know if anyone else had something similar and what else I...
  6. C

    Leg/foot hatching injury, disease, what's going on?

    The baby call duck just hatched today a day later than all the rest and I noticed there is something off with it's foot/ leg? I need help and advice my first time with hatching ducklings.
  7. jewelg

    Foot disease, or just aging?

    Hello! I volunteer with a local garden that has chickens, and I have my own first flock but they’re only 3 years old. One of the hens at the garden is considerably older and her feet look a bit gnarled, dragonny, thickened and scaly to me. Is this a normal part of aging for chickens or is there...
  8. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Hi! My hen/rooster (I am unsure of the gender since she is only four months old, but it may be a hen), who is a Silkie-Turken-Showgirl, has been acting rather strange. When I opened up the chickens, I found her laying down in the middle of the coop. She usually sleeps on a roost with another...
  9. F

    Peachick injured leg

    My 1.5 month old peachick has injured its leg, possibly dislocated at the knee (see pictures). I noticed it limping one morning and I'm not sure how it happened. I soaked its leg/knee in epsom salt and warm water (hopefully to help with inflammation). Called the vet but none in my area will se...
  10. J

    Duration for reapplication of topical Ivermectin

    I'm seeing a lot of helpful information on Ivermectin dosages here, however, I'm a bit confused as to when I need to reapply it for northern red fowl mites and scaly leg mites. I'm using the pour on 5 mg strength. I keep seeing a second dosage after 7 days but I'm also seeing after 10 days. And...
  11. Littlebittydot

    Quick Onset of Lameness

    Hello! Yesterday I noticed our welsh harlequin duck Ravioli was limping and hesitant to come into the pen from the pond for bedtime. They could still stand at that point but on one leg, hesitant to put pressure on their left leg. We inspected their leg and foot last night for bumbles, heat...
  12. Jannbo

    Gambel chick with injured leg

    So I’ve been raising my four gambel chicks and they’re all just over 2 months and now. Two of them are attached at the hip to me and two are scared to death of me. I just did a check up on all of them yesterday and they were all looking happy and healthy. Poos are normal, all the good stuff...
  13. 5

    Emu Knee problem

    Long story short my female was beening attacked by her male. She was in rought shape and heart her left lag. Now for the past week she's been located in the barn so we can keep an eye on her. But when i went down today i noticed she was not wanting to put weight on her left leg. So i look and...
  14. freckledfairy

    Leg injury + other symptoms

    Hi! I need some help figuring out how to support my sweet girl. Friday night, when we went to put our girls up for bed, Florence was laying in the coop, and did not get up to greet us like normal. Upon further encouragement, she didn’t get up either. 2 hours earlier she was just fine and...
  15. Y

    Why does my chick walk and stand weird?

    Hi my chick has recently started walking really weird, it wasn’t like this when it hatched and idk what to do about this situation, will my chicken get any better?
  16. B

    Toenail Issue

    Anyone ever run across anything like this? Looking for recommendations how to treat this curled toenail/swelling (left foot, back toe). How to know how much toenail to cut off?
  17. H

    7 week old chick with leg issues

    I have a group of 7 week old chicks that have recently moved outside (it’s really hot here so the temperatures are okay). I had some issues with splayed leg in the past but by this point they were all looking healthy. About a week ago we noticed that one chick had some leg issues. Unfortunately...
  18. K

    Blue Scale Quail Chick With Leg Issue

    Hatched some Blue Scale Quail about a week ago and currently have 5 in the brooder. One of them had some leg issues starting out and we were hoping getting into the brooder with the sand would help, but it seemed worse today. Is there anything we can try or do to help him? He's still trying to...
  19. S

    New member seeking advice, cat bite on ducks leg.

    Hello everyone, My names Tom and I’m from the south west of the U.K. I’ve come here seeking advice and also probably looking for some peace of mind at the same time. I’ve only had my ducks for a couple of months and spent a lot of time building them an enclosed area that has everything they...
  20. G

    Leg hurts on hen

    The leg has no visible injury, yet the hen won't put anyway on it and hops. Does anyone know what else could be the issue? Thank you
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