medicated feed

  1. HannahGillie

    Respiratory disease, Denagard/Tiagard and medicated feed questions

    Hi all, I have three 10-week old cochin bantams that are having some respiratory problems. They are all sneezing, and one has a slightly swollen face. They are still eating and drinking well. I have been giving them VetRx, Rooster Booster, and Spring Chicken Wellness Brew in their water each...
  2. T

    Help with confusion over electrolytes and medicated feed

    Hello! My partner and I are raising a flock for the first time. We have 4 Buff Orpingtons and 3 silver laced Wyandottes. They are 2 weeks old as of yesterday and from everything we can tell, they seem to be thriving! I have a couple of (hopefully quick) questions about their feed and water...
  3. lampshade160

    Does this seem like a healthy chick starter?

    Hi! I got new chicks yesterday and decided today to sit down and read the ingredients in their feed, as one of my chicks seems to be feeling a little constipated and another is starting to get a poopy butt. I’ve never been good at reading ingredients (both human food, and animal food) so I was...
  4. HensAndFriends

    Opinions: Medicated Chick Feed and Corid

    Been reading a lot about using medicated feed and corid in waterers, and was curious what everyone's opinions were on this subject? Medicated chick feed usually contains: 0.0125% amprolium Corid contains: 9.6% amprolium (example dosage: 2.5ml per quart of water) Some people say that you can...
  5. Browniethechicken

    Medicated Feed for chicks?

    How long do you feed medicated feed to baby chicks? I am getting same number of chicks again, 6 chicks. I have options of 5 pound bag and 25 pound bag? My last flock I raised on a 40 lb medicated crumble and they did well and stayed healthy. Not sure if it made a difference…
  6. C

    New to BYC

    Hi! I am new to BYC and this is my first time beginning to raise chickens. It’s been a long term dream for me but was temporarily put on hold during my husband’s twenty year career in the military. He has since retired from the military and is now working a job that allows us to not move around...
  7. CloneFly

    Medicated VS Non-Medicated Feed?

    Hello All! I have 2 unopened bags of starter and was wondering which I should use for my chicks. I had been previously purchasing in bulk from an open bin at my local pet store but decided to switch the feeds. In your experience, which is better? Medicated VS Non-Medicated? My chicks are about...
  8. SeaChickens

    Ok to feed medicated feed after 16 weeks?

    Hi All, I have a few weeks (estimated) left of food for my teenage chicks (they're 15 weeks old). It's Kruse's Super Chick medicated crumble, which I've been happy with. The bag says I should switch them to a layer feed at 16 weeks, but I'd kinda like to use up this bag. Besides having the food...
  9. Sylvia0223

    TSC chicks vaccinated or unvaccinated?

    Just wonder if the chicks at TSC are vaccinated? I have 4 of the chicks from TSC all doing very good no issues. They are starting week 7 now, I have been giving them starter/ grower medicated feed till this week, I switched to non medicated, now should I actually keep them on medicated? Or non...
  10. H

    Last transition off medicated feed, is this bad?

    Hi BYC! We have three poullettes/hens we got from chicks and started them on medicated feed. The feed store where we got them as chicks told us to only switch to grower when we reached a quarter of the medicated feed bag left. Now almost 12-13 weeks later, I'm seeing that that may be a tad...
  11. R

    Can I switch my chicks from organic crumble to medicated?

    Hi all, I currently have 1 5-6 week old EE (the others raised with it unfortunately passed of an unknown illness), and 14 1-2 week old BO's & Blue Plymouth Rocks. I have been feeding Natures Best Organic Chick Starter this whole time for both sets of chicks. I was wondering if it was worth...
  12. Tiken

    What are some signs my chick is sick?

    I want to know what are normal temps for chicks and what are some signs they are not feeling good? Is it a good idea to mix just a bit of medicated feed with regular feed to be pro active? I just want to be prepared and know about it before it happens so I am not hopeless when it is happening...
  13. byrd95

    Am I overmedicating my chicks?

    I had an outbreak of coccidia a couple of weeks ago. I never had to deal with this before and ended up losing 12 of my 14 8wk old chicks. 😢 I have six 3-4 wk old polish chicks (1 is a lot smaller than the rest) in a brooder with a wire bottom and same thing with my twelve 2 wk old serama chicks...
  14. R

    Broody Hen with chicks Feed question

    Hi all, my hen was sitting on 11 eggs I see one hatched today. I hope the rest hatch soon enough!!! Question, I will be feeding the chicks medicated feed. Is it okay for the hen to eat that as well? She is broody in the big coop but I am planning to move them to a smaller coop where they...
  15. V

    Need solid advice regarding coccidiosis preventative measures

    Hi everyone, I am in a bit of a pickle and I am looking for some advice from somebody who has some deep knowledge about the coccidiosis vaccine, medicated feed, and coccidiosis prevention in general. Recently I got some coccidiosis vaccinated baby chicks which I didn’t know were vaccinated. I...
  16. buffy-the-eggpile-layer

    Transitioning from Medicated Feed - Too Soon?

    Hi all! I've read a lot of conflicting information on when to switch chicks from a medicated starter to an unmedicated starter/grower. Our chickens are currently 11 weeks old, and have been on Manna Pro's medicated starter from the beginning. We put them in their outdoor coop/run at 4 weeks (so...
  17. Feeding Ducklings Medicated Feed - The Myths and the Truth

    Feeding Ducklings Medicated Feed - The Myths and the Truth

    Feeding Ducklings Medicated Feed - The Myths and the Truth The Myth There is a rather pervasive myth about feeding ducklings and ducks floating around out there. You will see it posted on forums, maybe on signs in feed stores, and, unfortunately, perhaps even touted by some older...
  18. Roley

    To Medicate or Not to Medicate?

    Hi all just got new chicks and I’m so in love! My chickies are outside romping around as we speak and I worry about the bugs they may be eating out here. I’ve chosen to go more organic with non-medicated starter feed, however I’m concerned with coccidiosis (not well versed on this). Thought and...
  19. T

    Manna Pro Medicated Chick Starter (Crumbles) 25lb Bags!!

    Hey Everyone! I am posting this to those who use medicated chick feeds. I understand everyone has their opinions on whether or not to use medicated chick feed and this is not a post for arguments sake. This is me simply trying to inform those who do use it. So I digress. To those of us...
  20. houlahoula

    Amprolium - Bad for Ducklings?

    I just purchased: Brown's Encore Natural Chick Starter Baby Chicken Feed, 7-lb bag I thought it was non-medicated. After reading the packaging thoroughly, it has Amprolium added. I am hatching ducklings this weekend and need a starter crumble without medication...
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