mixed flock

  1. AGeese

    Liege Fighter Flock Compatibility

    Looking for takes from anyone on Liege hens in a mixed-breed or even mixed species flock. I'd like to introduce two Liege into my future breeding project, but need to be sure they're not too aggressive with a smaller breeds. I've heard the Roos aren't a problem, but I've heard hens can be...
  2. MeoWusical

    Runner ducks

    I want to get four female ducklings: a fawn/white runner, a magpie, a Cayuga, and a white egg layer. Unfortunately, the runner stands differently than most ducks do. Would the other ducks bully her for that difference or would they not mind? Or does it depend on the temperament? This brings up...
  3. Moon Daizy

    Pure bred flocks vs mixed flocks - pros and cons please!

    Hello, Can anyone share some insight on the benefits and downsides of having a mixed flock (not hybrids, but an eclectic mix of different breeds) as opposed to a pure bred flock please! I don’t have a tonne of space available, so do need to keep my chicken maths quite sensible!! I don’t want to...
  4. D

    Rooster help

    I have 7 chickens (6 hens and 1 rooster), Richard the naked necked rooster has always been super docile and never given me any issues or tried to harm any of the hens. I just got a female pekin from a bad home and when I went to introduce them he just started attacking her with his beak and...
  5. CaptainCrossthread

    Geese, Ducks, and Roos

    I have a question about mixing a flock and also what to expect from a roo (or two). Currently, we have 2 Embden geese (f). We also have 2 mallard drakes and a Rouen female, which wasn't intentional or ideal. We are going to expand next year. Flock size, pen, and water pools/pond. 2 more geese...
  6. CoopBoots

    Rusty Bucket Farm

    Welcome to Rusty Bucket Farm! This is Rusty, age unknown, maybe 5ish: We adopted him after his first life as a pet came to an end. He's kind of living out his retirement with us, although we managed to get a handful of lovely chicks from him this year. Looks like a Niederrheiner or a variant...
  7. I

    Free rein feeding method

    A feeding method designed to accommodate mixed flocks for all seasons and stages of development. Observations will be recorded here as they happen for others to replicate or improve upon with the intention of achieving optimal health and longevity for our birds. Day 1. The experiment begins
  8. isabellajosie

    Introducing a Polish Chicken to an Existing Flock w Rooster?

    Hello, all. Now that spring is here, I plan on adding some new chicks to my existing flock of 7, one rooster and six hens. I work at a place that sells chicks during the spring and in our recent shipment we ended up with a single Polish. I believe she is a Silver Laced Polish, but she is the...
  9. Heartsopenwide

    Mixed flocks

    Who has a mixed flock? Ducks and chickens. I have had chickens for over 3yrs but have ducks coming in June. Now I am reading it is bad to have a mixed flock do to disease. Do need to be concerned? Who is more at risk?, ducks or chickens? Which diseases ?
  10. A

    Feeding Goose with Chickens

    Hi, We have one goose that lives with our chickens, and currently they are all eating an all-flock feed, plus occasional produce scraps and foraging grass/greens outside the coop in our fenced pasture. We would like to go back to using layer feed as it is significantly less expensive here— how...
  11. Browniethechicken

    What can I put in my run to help chicks hid from older flock during integration? Clutter? Hiding spots?

    What can I use as clutter or hiding spots for my chicks in a small ish run to keep them Safe during integration process with my 15 weeks old pullets? Give them a place to hide and get away if needed. What works well for this that I may have lying around. I need ideas to get this right. My chicks...
  12. Browniethechicken

    Integrating chicks to existing young flock

    My baby chicks are two weeks old and have been introduced to my existing flock of 2 Pullets (15 weeks old) with a wire fencing between them. When should I begin to introduce them without the fence?
  13. AGeese

    Mixed (Free-Range) Flock Keepers

    Hey all, It's true there's some discussion on mixed flocks in the forums, but what I'd like to see are pictures of Your mixed flocks. I'm a free ranger with geese and chickens so I'm looking to see what other free rangers are putting out there to pasture. They don't have to be housed together...
  14. W

    Is a Brahma rooster okay to put with a mixed flock?

    I have two dark brahma hens, one light brahma hen, and a light brahma rooster, all about a year old. I bought them all together a couple weeks ago, but the rooster needs more hens, which now I cannot find any more brahma hens around me. He is making the hens back raw, even with the saddle on...
  15. akf93

    6 Week Old Guineas Escaping

    My second flock includes 15 chicks and 3 guineas. My plan was to give them outdoor time every day over the next several days and put them back into the brooder each night and then eventually start putting them into the coop at night with the older flock until they are well integrated. I made up...
  16. The chicken nurd

    Feed questions

    So I’m switching my flock over from a layers feed to an all flock feed because of my ducks do I need to offer extra calcium for the chickens or any other supplements and is there anything else I need to know about switching feeds?
  17. akf93

    Ducks in Coop

    We are new to backyard flocks! We have 16 chickens and started with 2 ducks. The ducks used to follow the chickens into the coop at night. One of those ducks died and we got 4 more ducklings. They all free range together. We were hoping the older duck would teach the youngers to go into the coop...
  18. sheknitsandcrochets

    When to wean mixed flocks off heat lamp?

    Hello, we are currently raising about 100 baby chicks, of various ages, and I was wondering when we should start to wean them off the heat lamps? We're raising them indoors in DIY brooders with heat lamps. I think our youngest chicks are about 2 weeks old and our oldest are probably hitting 5 to...
  19. A

    Goslings with slightly older chicks

    Hi, We currently have 9 chicks (a mixture of egg-laying breeds) who are about 4 1/2 weeks old in a brooder in our garage. Last week we got two goslings, and they are set up in a brooder right next to the chicks. We intend at least one of the geese to be a guard goose for the chickens (we also...
  20. the_kitchen__drawer

    How to Feed Mixed Flock

    Alright, I’m confused, for a flock with both chicken hens and female ducks, you’d feed all flock, yes? Would they need continual extra niacin? would it be bad for the chickens to add duck feed? What should I be doing? Also, can ducks have the supplemental layer feed? thank you in advance!
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