
  1. H


    Hey so this is my first post on here. I’m a first time duck mom and I have two Pekins. They’re almost a year old. My little girl piglet has been limping for a long while. It hasn’t been that bad and it wasn’t causing her pain. A few days ago I went out to give them fresh water and her foot had...
  2. DuckDuckJuice

    Silver Appleyard x Pekin

    We just added two Silver Appleyard girls to our flock of three Pekins (two male, one female) and a Khaki Campbell (female) to balance out the numbers. I’m considering hatching out some of the Pekin/Appleyard eggs in the future and am wondering if anyone else has tried this and what the ducklings...
  3. DuckDuckJuice

    Advice Regarding Duck with Old Injury/Deformity

    Hi, I’m hoping someone can offer some helpful insights regarding our duck, aptly named Ducky. Ducky is a five month old male Pekin with a bum leg. We aren’t sure if his leg was injured at some point or if it’s a deformity, but he has walked with a considerable limp since we got him at...
  4. QueenOfMyCoop

    Incubator for pekin eggs

    Need suggestions for good incubators for Pekin duck eggs please
  5. A

    Swollen leg

    My pekin suck has a swollen leg. It looks mainly like it’s her hock joint. She has been limping otherwise no other symptoms. I brought her in to isolate her. I let her float around in a bathtub yesterday for a few hours and gave her an Epsom salt soak for 20 mins. I also applied vetericin on her...
  6. JorgiePeach


    I just rescued this duck two weeks ago and I think he might have bumblefoot but the other duck I’ve had for a year is fine. I’m not sure if it’s bumblefoot because he’s crippled and all of the bumblefoot symptoms he naturally has because he’s overweight from his last owner and he was just born...
  7. Beani

    2 Pekin Drakes, Vero Beach, Florida

    2 Pekin Drakes need a new home. Hatched in the last week of August 2020, they are now 4 months old. These ducks are sweet boys-raised as pets, and used to free-ranging over several acres and a large pond. They have become aggressive towards chickens since losing their mates to what I suspect is...
  8. G

    Drake Attacking Other Drake. Very worried, please help!

    Hello all, I have been raising 4 Pekins for the past few months. They are my first ducks and I love them. They are my babies. I got 3 back in May of 2020 (2 drakes, 1 female). Sady, the female passed after being born rather weak. I got two more females in September after rescuing them from a...
  9. R

    Drake being aggressive to my other drake...

    I have four pekin 2 male 2 female. Everyone gets along just fine and were raised together. Yesterday one of my my drakes was chasing the other drake around almost constant. Grabbing the back of his neck etc. I figured he was showing dominance and he would stop and it seemed towards the end of...
  10. B

    Limping duck, 10 mo. old, inflamed leg, How to fix? Help!

    I have a 10 month old Pekin who has developed a nasty limp on her right leg a week ago. I inspected for cuts or bumble -foot and didn't find evidence of either. I dose all my ducks with niacin supplements while they're growing and currently as they are on a chicken/mixed flock layer feed. Her...
  11. HollyJB

    Do these girls look healthy - 8 months old and still no eggs.

    Hi everyone. I've been wondering about my 3 pekin bantam girls for some time. I got them as day old chicks at the end of March, so they are now 8 months old. When googling around, it seems you can expect pekins to start laying between 6 and 8 months of age. They're obviously now at the later end...
  12. S

    Lavender Pekin Genetics ?

    Hi everyone, I get the basics of breeding lavender pekins (from scratch) but could someone please explain to me exsactly how to do it ? I get full lavender pekin x full black = split But then whats then next step? Do I have to cross the splits back to the lavender parent ? Or Carry on...
  13. A

    bumble foot??? help!!

    We’ve had our 3 pekin ducks since april and it appears we’re doing everything backwards and by that i mean learning. I’m ashamed to say it but i just learned about bumble feet. We have 2 boys and 1 girl. Could anyone help see if this is bumble feet? And if it is, what do we do? Or if it’s just...
  14. shammond

    4 week old Pekin Bantam sex?

    Hi all, I currently have 5 chicks who are all around 4 weeks old. We chose to get a few different breeds, but this has made it very difficult to sex them as we have nothing to compare to! This baby is Dumpling, a Pekin Bantam, and of course I am hoping all chicks will be pullets, but I am...
  15. S

    Jealous duck?

    Hi everyone! I have 2 baby pekin ducklings both that I’ve hatched from an egg one is nearly 2 weeks old and the other is 2 days old! The 2 week old has only had me since he hatched as the other eggs weren’t viable:( so the new one has come along to be his company! They seem to be getting on...
  16. samandreacamp

    My Duck has a cut on her beak!

    Hi there! I have three pekin ducks (ages 2mo, 1 mo, 1mo), and the largest one has what looks like a cut through multiple layers of her beak, as well as a bubble on the side. So far I have cleaned out the cut and applied Vetericyn, but I was wondering if anyone else has any ideas. She is drinking...
  17. F

    Fixing pekin duckling bow legs?

    Hello, Barnyard Chickens community! I found you because I've been hunting up ways to help this 2-3 week old Pekin duckling I found alone in a parking lot. Its legs are bowed and it steps on its own feet and tumbles over often. When I put my question in the search bar, a person named Nicole was...
  18. H

    Pekin Duckling suddenly ill- Help please

    I have a 6 week old Pekin duckling that was happy and healthy just 5 days ago. Now she is showing severe symptoms of something neurological. She was a friends 4h project along with two other Pekins. They lived on school grounds in a little Ag barn in their own cage. Friend realized they got big...
  19. Maryam.

    Not sure what’s going on

    Hi, I have a 3y.o female pekin called Cookie, she’s my pet duck and lives indoor. Almost a month ago she suddenly started limping, exactly on the very day that I added levamisole to her water for worming. Her ankle was a little swollen but not like joint swelling, just a spot. I took X-ray from...
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