
  1. Just playing around.

    Just playing around.

    Just playing around with filters I installed. Big thanks to Sue the little lady on my shoulder.
  2. orloffer

    orloffer's Nest

    Welcome to orloffer's Nest! :frow orloffer's Nest is intended to be a kind and positive thread where BYC members can chat, share their poultry (and other pet/animal) photographs and stories, and share and discuss their hobbies and projects, &c. Anyone and everyone is invited to jump in! This...
  3. Velyash

    Our first winter!

    Today we saw snow for the first time, which was all wet because of the day's rain. We loved it! We followed our mommy around the big muddy puddles and ate snow... We even saw a little snowman.
  4. cmspivey

    New Member Introduction Post!

    Well, here goes it... My initial post! I'm Carlis! I'm not technically new to chickens, but I am new to ducklings! I have three eggs currently... Sadly, I think only one of them may be alive and well, though... We'll find out within the next few days! They're all Khaki Campbell x Pekin ducks...
  5. DumbCluckGangMama

    Chicken Instagram

    I recently started an Instagram account for my flock, and I have come to realize that chicken Instagram is a whole niche/community. Does anyone else have an Instagram account dedicated to their birds? I'm looking for my accounts to follow! And here are some examples of my photos. I like to take...
  6. Lazy Farmer

    Cooking with Connie. A "Cook-a-Long" thread

    Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me you ears! Wanna have some fun on BYC while feeding your family's faces? No strings attached. No prizes. No awards. You do nothing but share the photo(s) of the predetermined dish on the pre posted date. Details in the next post below.
  7. Lacy Duckwing

    Chicken Photography

    Does anybody do chicken photography? If so, what do you do and/or can you do with it? Do you just enter your pictures into chicken photo contests, or is there other things that you can do with it? I have tons of pictures of chickens. Chickens is basically the primary thing that I take pictures...
  8. B

    Hello From Horry County SC

    I am a documentary and Fine Art photographer living in the Conway SC area. I do not raise chickens myself but have started a new photography project about chickens and the people who raise them. It was suggested by one of your moderators that I join a forum and reach out to find anyone who...
  9. ForTheLoveOfFarming

    Looking for the best looking chicken coop!

    Have camera - will travel! I'm looking for a nice looking coop or area where your chickens are free ranging and friendly enough to be in photos with me, my husband, and my son. Here is my idea - we want to announce our pregnancy with a picture of us with chickens and we are going to hold up...
  10. CacklingRanch

    Fun fall photoshoots!

    Here's a few from one of mine, show me yours!
  11. Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring?

    Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring?

    Does Chicken Keeping Ever Get Boring? Can or does chicken raising ever get dull? I’ve been at this chicken keeping business for years now. I don’t know about you, but when I first began my journey, it seemed as though I couldn’t learn enough about chickens. I read every book about chickens at...
  12. Pigeons


    Quacking Pigeons photography.
  13. Pigeons


    Quacking Pigeons photography.
  14. Pigeons


    Quacking Pigeons photography.
  15. Lazy Farmer


    THE MIRACLE OF LIFE. I have a successful hatch going on today. Just like popcorn in the microwave, it's popping and expanding! I set my cell camera to BURST MODE and it took 213 photos of a chick being born and it's eyes opening for the first time. Hubby said I gave him carpal tunnel syndrome...
  16. Lazy Farmer


    This Thread is in conjunction with: SPRING CHICKEN Contest Series Extravaganza! ALL MEMBERS MAY ENTER!
  17. Lazy Farmer


    This Thread is in conjunction with: SPRING CHICKEN Contest Series Extravaganza! ALL MEMBERS MAY ENTER!
  18. Lazy Farmer

    SPRING CHICKEN Contest Series Extravaganza!

    A Cooking/Recipe/Craft/Talent Multi-Contest Event. This List of Mini-Contests will continue to Grow! FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY COOKING-BAKING-RECIPE MINI-CONTEST #1 ENDED DRESS UP YOUR CHICKEN! MINI-CONTEST #2. ENDED MAKE A CAKE MINI-CONTEST #3 ENDED...
  19. Lazy Farmer


    As a multi sister site member, I have a unique perspective in the little differences within the 4 amazing sites. There is one thing that stands out the most to me, since I have a photography obsession. Back Yard Chickens is the only site out of all 4 of them that hasn't implemented the POW...
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