
  1. E

    Rales :/

    Hello. My chicks seem to have very light symptoms of rales. The only thing noticeable is the crackling sound in their lungs. The last batch, I hatched wound up getting it too, and I don’t understand why it happened a second time around when everything has been completely disinfected heating has...
  2. HannahGillie

    15 week old Pullet not gaining weight or growing like rest of flock, what can I do?

    Hi everyone, I posted a thread a few weeks ago about dealing with some respiratory issues with a few of my bantam Cochin pullets, and the good news is they have gotten better from that. Two of them are totally back to normal and are back with the rest of the flock after being treated with...
  3. HannahGillie

    Respiratory disease, Denagard/Tiagard and medicated feed questions

    Hi all, I have three 10-week old cochin bantams that are having some respiratory problems. They are all sneezing, and one has a slightly swollen face. They are still eating and drinking well. I have been giving them VetRx, Rooster Booster, and Spring Chicken Wellness Brew in their water each...
  4. EmilyAlamano

    Managing flock, mycoplasma and bringing in new roosters

    Our flock has what our vet says seems like mycoplasma but it hasn’t been confirmed by testing post mortem. He gave us Tylan and we put whole flock on it for 6 days, but moving forward we don’t want to continue giving antibiotics to our flock now that we understand it can lead to spiraling flock...
  5. M

    Essential Oils for Respiratory Issues

    Has anyone used essential oils like peppermint oil or eucalyptus oil for chicken respiratory issues? On a side note I have been seeing mice by the big crate my chicks. And I read that peppermint oil would be a good for keeping them aways.
  6. NelsonNedLover

    Sticky/Clear Mucus(?) Desperate

    Hi all, I have a 5-year-old Bantam rooster who has been sick for about a month now. He had been doing this gagging/regurgitating motion and acting lethargic. He was treated by a vet for a bacterial crop infection and given antibiotics. After a week, he was cured of this infection. Although he...
  7. S

    Gulping for air and wheezing

    Hi All, . This girl just started this in the past two hour or so. She's obviously in discomfort open mouth gulping for air and wheezing. I have spoken to our vet and will take her in this arvo but he really doesn't have much idea whats going on and other than administering some ABs or PTSing...
  8. Tanya22

    Weak rooster with wry neck and respiratory issue

    Hey everyone! My rooster developed a wry neck and had some respiratory issues before. I decided to treat with a 5 day course of tetracycline and also multivitamin drops + half capsule of vitamin e daily. His antibiotics course ended yesterday but there's no improvement. He keeps sleeping and his...
  9. Diveks

    Respiratory infection or new bedding?

    My chickens have been constantly sneezing, I am not sure if it is a respiratory infection or because I just changed to coco chips for their run. They have been sneezing for over a week now, the issue is that I just introduced a new rooster to my flock which might have given a virus to everyone...
  10. Saaniya

    How long Doxycycline should be used when it’s Respiratory Infection?

    One of my birds having Respiratory Infection, Clicking sound when he breathes, tried to fix it with Baytril 10% nothing helped so switched to Doxycycline forte , 25 mg one dose seems to be helping but clicking is still there how many days we need to completely clear the infection...
  11. F

    Sick hen, worried about flock

    One of my silkie hens started acting lethargic two days ago. Yesterday, we found her with yellow crust completely over both eyes, yellow nasal discharge, and her feathers felt stiff/clumpy/greasy. She did not make it through the night. I am worried about the rest of my flock. I have 9 other...
  12. K

    Respiratory or Gapeworm?

    I have a chicken that was almost gasping for air last night for around 10 minutes. I brought her inside, she ate a scrambled egg and seemed to be okay after that. I am worried that it’s a respiratory infection, I looked down her throat and could not see any worms. Unsure of what to do and what...
  13. C

    Found Injured Hen on Side of Road in Ditch, treating wound but now maybe wheezing? Does she need antibiotics?

    Hey all, I found a chicken on the side of the road in a ditch while I was walking my weiner dog. We both thought she was a dead animal but she was still alive. So i ran back to my house and got my car and grabbed her. The first day I gave her a bath and didn’t see anything but a small puncture...
  14. divineangel94

    Me again.

    Hen that’s been sneezing, and breathing heavy. She was eating until this morning. Now she won’t eat even mealworms. She is drinking normal, flew out of my arms and ran from a rooster. She has a weird sound when she breaths in. Almost sounds like a raspy whisper. She is six and crown, wattles...
  15. divineangel94


    Six year old hen that is done laying, sneezing, raspy breathing, breathing heavy. The breathing heavy mainly happens when she lays down, only sometime while standing. They were diagnosed with mycoplasma at two years old but symptoms only started showing a month ago. Or at least I hope that’s all...
  16. qwigoqwaga

    Chicken wheezing and sneezing but otherwise fine

    One of our chickens has been sneezing for a while now it seems and a couple weeks ago I noticed she was wheezing when she breathes; it’s sounds raspy like when you have a chest cold. I took a video today and she sounds worse than usual: However, she's otherwise acting totally normal, she's not...
  17. B

    Chicks with Respiratory Issues

    Hi Everybody! I appreciate you taking the time to read my giant book of a thread. I really am searching for some help and answers. So a little back story. I went online in search of a local breeder because I wanted to support local and avoid obtaining chicks from mass suppliers. It was my first...
  18. JoanieShrubs

    Does this wet eye look like mycoplasma?

    Hi, my one year old Wyandotte laying hen is sick with a respiratory infection. I’m trying to work out how to treat her as another flock member was put to sleep a couple weeks ago, assuming the same pathogen, and that hen didn’t really respond to the two classes of antibiotics we can get OTC here...
  19. V

    Post worming respiratory issue?

    I dewormed my flock of 21, 2 year old red sex link chickens, 3 weeks ago. 9 days ago 2 started showing respiratory symptoms: wheezing, coughing & sneezing. I immediately separated (quarantined) them in my makeshift hospital, away from the coop & cleaned & disinfected the coop. The other 19 never...
  20. T

    Wheezing and Sneezing

    Need advice! My chicken has been through the ringer this past month! First a comb injury, then bullying, then sour crop. She finally got all better and was put back with the others where she seems happy and no longer being bullied, about a week ago. Now today, out of nowhere she was sneezing...
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