sick chicken

  1. Kenz_T2172

    Diarrhea and Lethargy

    Hi everyone. I have an olive egger hen who just turned a year old- Yesterday morning I noticed she was hanging out by herself off in a corner or inside the coop alone. She walks around but not a whole lot. When she does walk it appears normal. Feathers aren’t fluffed or anything like that. She...
  2. chickennl0ver

    URGENT! any chicken vets in new england area?

    for context, i just posted yesterday (link attached with backstory and images) about my 4-year-old hen pearls who is having crop issues. this is now day 4 of her crop issues and i am at...
  3. T

    Ammonia burn or beginning of Bumblefoot?

    I have a Lavender Orpington that was recently broody, has since hatched her chicks and is still separated with them. They are sleeping in a small crate but free range all day. There are two black spots on her foot that I don’t really know what it is. There is no swelling and their living...
  4. crunchygranola

    Is my chicken sick?

    I don’t have the experience yet to discern a perfectly healthy chicken from a slightly lazy one, and I’m worried one of my girls is sick. She tends to stay behind in her coop when I let the rest of her flock out to free range for a while, she has been having weird, yellow, foamy poops, eating...
  5. H

    Chicken deworming

    Hello all, I’m posting from the south of uk. I have a few questions related to deworming chickens using Flubendazole 1% ( a powder I believe) I brought a chicken (Appenzeller Spitzhauben) inside today after noticing movement in her droppings. Like a pinworm looking thing. I’ve brought her...
  6. Emrosenagel

    Can probiotic powder cause problems?

    Hello! I made a post yesterday about my hen (9 month old blue andulusian) who suddenly started acting weird, not herself, lethargic. Things got even stranger at night when she decided to sleep in the nesting box and then, at 12am, starting doing the egg song/distress call for about ten minutes...
  7. F

    Please any insight is appreciated!! Eye infection or something more serious?

    Hello everyone, I could use some guidance/advice. I have one hen, about 9 months old, that isn’t doing great. A few weeks ago, I noticed her one eye was super swollen/crusty and looked severely infected. She also had diarrhea. I took her to the vet, they prescribed an antibiotic, an...
  8. L

    Sick chicken with creamy yellow poop with a orange looking thing in the center

    I have a chicken that I noticed yesterday acting sick. I brought her in to separate from other chickens. She ate a little yougart last night nothing today. She will take water from a dropper. Yesterday she pooped several times clear,white, with green it was watery. Today she pooped once creamy...
  9. I

    Drunk walk now just laying and wobbly

    My chicken all of a sudden started drunk walking and so we brought her inside and two days later she has not moved, isn’t eating, or drinking. I thought it could be signs of Marek’s disease but it’s all happening so quickly. do the symptoms usually take affect like this, one day fine the next...
  10. J

    Chicken with egg bound symptoms but vent check shows there is no egg there!

    Hi! I'm worried about one of my chickens. She is acting lethargic and standing by herself. She is looking rather puffy, but I did a vent check but she doesn't seem to be egg bound. She also has poop on her tail feathers. She is starting to stand like a penguin. When I go over to her, she starts...
  11. M

    Droppy Tail Wings, No Egg for Days

    Good morning, I have been checking this blog the lat few days but cant find any situation that seems to fit. My one lady is just under a year old, she will be 1 in June. On Friday (5 days ago) we noticed she had a badly poop covered butt and was being lathargic out in the yard. Saturday, we...
  12. A

    Crusty eyes crusty nose lethargic

    Alright guys I've been raising chickens for 10 years and I've never had this issues.. Crusty eyes and nose like you would see a human have if they had pink eye. I know if it's running eyes and nose it's respiratory and contagious. I don't want this to be the end of all my chickens....and I have...
  13. R

    Help! Something hanging out of vent

    Hello, I need some help with my chicken. She has been laying some pretty weird eggs for about 4 months. They are wrinkly but hard (I will post pictures). But today I noticed that when she was pooping there was this white thing hanging out of her vent. I tried to investigate but it got sucked...
  14. Kiwi_The__arnevelder

    My hen is paralysed!!!!

    hello, so yesterday i noticed my hen was limping on one leg and i thought maybe she sprained a muscle. The next day she couldn't walk AT ALL. She also doesn’t eat much and sleeps a lot. I thought she had leg mite infestation so i dunked her in vegetable oil and put vaseline on her feet. but now...
  15. A

    I need help! Very Sick Hen!

    Good afternoon everyone, I have a very sick hen that is about 9 months old, and I can't figure out what is wrong with her or what I need to do to help her. She has been panting very hard since Sunday (02/25/2024) and seems to have a fever. Her feet stay very hot and her comb is pale. She doesn't...
  16. Saltymiso

    Chicken looks dizzy, twitching head

    Chicken head twitching She’s a 8 month old hen She has no other symptoms Her ears look fine Is functional and not lethargic or anything A little more cautious with quick movements like jumping off or on things Is it just a vitamin deficiency I see no external injury The picture below is...
  17. C

    Sick Silkie

    Hi, We have a 1 ½ yr old Silkie, 1074g who has gone downhill really quickly in the last day. We noticed 4 days ago she was sleeping more than usual, but otherwise eating as normal and not showing any signs of illness until yesterday evening when she failed to join the others in the coop and...
  18. dialuann

    Please help my Silkie Showgirl. She can’t walk.

    Hi! My hen/rooster (I am unsure of the gender since she is only four months old, but it may be a hen), who is a Silkie-Turken-Showgirl, has been acting rather strange. When I opened up the chickens, I found her laying down in the middle of the coop. She usually sleeps on a roost with another...
  19. Hen Pecked Wolves

    Any help is appreciated! I’m adding a video to explain my problem!

    I’m sorry I realize that I can’t out of it was just a picture so I posted a video on YouTube and share the link. I would’ve just posted a video if I could have.
  20. triciayoung

    Thank you - A Great Help for Handicap Birds

    I want to thank BYC for all of the YouTube video's of chickens, especially the ones that are 6-9 hours long. For my handicap birds, when I cannot be with them, they have been a lifesaver. I put my ipad in the large crate and they love to watch the chickens. If they have not been monetized...
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