
  1. Black Rat Snake Eating Egg.jpg

    Black Rat Snake Eating Egg.jpg

    Black Rat Snake in chicken coop, eating giant egg
  2. M

    Snake proofing my chicken coop....Money is not a concern.

    First time with chickens and ducks...we have 18 baby chicks (all female) and 3 baby ducklings (all female)...we are currently assembling our chicken coops that we purchased at Lowes....I realize there might not be a 100% effective way to keep snakes out of the coop, but if money was not a...
  3. thoeffel1994

    Another duck found dead in the coop! Neck feathers wet?

    Yesterday I went to let my ducks inside and found another duck dead in the coop. Its neck feathers were wet and nothing was even eaten. I still have no clue what would have done it. The coop is fenced in so It couldn't have been a dog. I've had a ton of rat snakes recently would it do...
  4. Brooke Carson


    I'm super new to chicken raising and my chicks are still inside but we're about to move them out to the coop and this big guy (I think it's a bull snake?) showed up on a building next to the coop. Should I be worried or will he stay away on his own? Are there things I should do to repel him...
  5. Oddyseous

    GRAPHIC WARNING: Raccoon attack part 2 SNAKES

    So, I posted earlier a week ago or so regarding losing 12 chickens in a single night to a raccoon attack. Since then we've been keeping our chickens locked in the hen house instead of letting what should be a secure chicken run area stay open, so in the evening we shut them in and in the morning...
  6. Launchpad

    Snakes in the duckhouse

    So a few weeks ago when we first purchased the property there were two snakes in the duck coop. Both snakes and the coop are in the pictures. The fencing and door into the their pen is adequate for any critter, except snakes. As far as I can tell (I just moved to this part of Texas) they are...
  7. -Flash-

    What Is Your Most Common Predator?

    What Is Your Most Common Predator?
  8. queenie_29

    Urgent! How do I keep my 4 chooks in suburbia safe from a nearby snake?

    Earlier today a dog got bitten by a snake 2 doors down from us. My girls free range in the the afternoons and our coop is fairly secure, however a snake could easily get into the run. I am currently sitting outside keeping an eye on them, but does anyone have any tips as to how I can keep my...
  9. Lulu-Dixon

    Potential copperhead bite, treatment?

    Has anyone had experience with their peafowl being bitten by a copperhead? One of my hens was acting strangely (almost as if she was choking) and I walked over to see what was wrong with her and there was a copperhead striking repeatedly at my other hens right beside of us. I wouldn't have even...
  10. Gammas Bearded Babies


    New to raising kids got them for me for mother's day (at my encouragement I might add). You see our Rottweiler had just passed away the day after we returned from our vacation. She was 8 yrs old...she was our 5th rottie in our 30 years together. So I decided with my health problems...
  11. BudgieKing15


    I don't remember which one it was, but said chicken just ate AN EIGHT INCH LONG SNAKE!!!
  12. ShrekDawg

    Raccoon broke in but left the chickens? Or did it steal from another animal???

    Soooo I went out to check the chickens today and let them out and I discovered a bunch of empty egg shells on the ground outside the coop, appears to be about 6 eggs with yolk still pretty fresh in some, and what appears to be raccoon prints on top of the nest box??? But I cannot for the life of...
  13. ShrekDawg

    Reptile Lover’s Thread!!

    Any reptile lovers here!? I didn’t used to be a huge fan of them although I always thought they were cool. Anyway, I’ve recently been researching a lot and now I love them :lau Thought I would start a thread so I don’t clog up or hijack any other threads rambling about them. :lau :hide I...
  14. WannaBeHillBilly

    What snake is this skin from?

    Just when one of my ducks decided to hatch five ducklings, i come back home and find a snake-skin on my driveway: The whole skin is about 1.4m long (4½ft). Is it even possible to identify a snake through a dry skin? @Magnolia Ducks - does that look like one of the rat-snakes you had? I am afraid
  15. CanadaEh

    snake ID please?

    it was hanging around the dog run so I did not want to take chances (our dog tries to catch anything "interesting" including bees that would sting her in the face). But I don't want to kill them if they are harmless. Could you please identify one in the pictures?
  16. nicoleee

    Help identify this snake?

    I stepped outside in the front porch and found this little guy slithering around. I can tell it’s not venomous or bad but I just wanted to know what type of snake it is? Does it pose a threat to my chickens? I have 3 very small hens (one is about the size of a pigeon). I got a few pics of him...
  17. m1chelle1

    Will a Large Black Rat snake try to kill my full sized BA's???

    Hello BYC. Just in the process of having a bit of a conflicting conscience:barnie. I dont mind snakes, granted ive never met one like the huge monstrosity of a snake that was just in my yard. We've seen it on our property before, i think its a rat snake and we actually have a bit of a mouse...
  18. True Patriot

    Snakes *disturbing photos*

    So. Went to work today after seeing to the morning routine. Everyone came to the door and greets me just like every day. Came home and found a snake, in the coop. With two tell tale lumps. I know it did not get in through the coop. All hardware cloth is sandwiched between the plywood and the...
  19. K

    Black Racers (snakes) in the coop!

    Hi All, I just shooed away the fourth black racer this month! They are usually in the egg box with an egg or two already inside them, and they never touch the hens/vice versa. The coop is very old and no matter how much i patch it up they always find their way back in. We are building a new...
  20. veebeebee

    Rat Snake Killing my Chickens!

    I wanted to share this story about a huge yellow rat snake that killed 2 of my pullets last week so others are informed and aware that this could I had zero clue a rat snake would strangle my babies! About 4 weeks ago I found a large 5+Ft yellow rat snake in my coop. There were 2...
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