
  1. WallyBirdie

    Favorite Chicken(s)!

    Anyone want to share pictures and stories of their favorite chickens?! No dinner jokes, please.
  2. cluckmecoop7

    Chick thread!

    This thread is for anyone who has chicks! I saw one about duckings so why not a chick thread? Here you can post pictures and/or stories of your babies and have lots of fun! Also, if your chicks are chickens now, thats fine. If you still have pictures of when they were young or remember stories...
  3. BY Bob

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    I have been wanting to do this for some time now. I knew once I started doing this there would be no going back. So I am now diving in and I hope you all enjoy coming along for the ride. First of all let me tell you how we view our flock as that will help you to understand why we treat them...
  4. Dani & Mikey

    Can we just talk BJG?

    Hi all, I have been searching & stalking the threads just to read all I can about Black Jersey Giants. I am intrigued by them! We have 2 7 week old BJG pullets who are so sweet and funny, along with 2 ISA, and 3 EE. I was just hoping anyone who has or has had BJGs can just share their...
  5. Lazy Farmer

    New Year Hatch w/Connie,Wickedchicken6,BantyChooks,penny1960,CapricornFarm,Auroradream26 & Rubysword

    This is a thread created by em-wah to keep my BYC Buddies informed and/or involved with the progress of the Chicks that I hatched on New Years Eve/Day which were dedicated to them.. @Wickedchicken6 @BantyChooks @penny1960 @CapricornFarm @Auroradream26 & @Rubysword . :thumbsup For those not "in...
  6. Cluckcluck1215


    WARNING:Some posts will be goorey!Read at your own risk Hey peeps! I love love love making short(long?)stories and want to show everyone! Follow along with my OCs! Jane, Taylor, Arthur, Merln(Not so OC?), Gwen and Morgana(Not so OC?)Hiccup, Astrid, Toughnut, Roughnut, And Snotlout(How to...
  7. D

    What are you reading? (or books you highly recommend)

    Please share descriptions of what you're currently reading (include genre/author). Also, feel free to share info on any books/authors you've read that you'd recommend to others.
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