
  1. ShrekDawg

    Narrowing down dog breeds (retriever, terrier, or Aussie)

    I eventually want a second dog but I'm having a ridiculously hard time narrowing down breeds. Cause I have sooo many I want to try lol But I think I have managed to narrow it down to a few. Retriever, terrier, or Aussie. But also love English Shepherds, GSD, and Huskies. But I don't think GSD...
  2. ShrekDawg

    Boston Terrier Thread!!

    Anybody here have Boston Terriers? They seem like great dogs and I want pictures, stories, info, whatever. Also, has anyone heard of people trying to create a more original working type one that's bigger and with a longer snout? Olde Boston Bulldogge maybe? Some call them. Anyone heard of those...
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