
  1. Y

    Silver Laced Wyandotte laying 2x

    Hey everyone! Last month one of my Wyandottes mysteriously died. We think she missed the door at night and freaked out maybe had a heart attack from the panick. Her name was Motto Mami. Her sister who was attached to her at the hip is Guata-Gata, Gata for short. Since Motto’s death, I was...
  2. PXL_20230421_223337241.jpg


    Wynnie the Wyandotte
  3. Sergio19Peter

    Hatching and raising chicks

    Looks like the flock of baby chickens is growing and always a good idea to keep a heating lamp that for a while until you notice they don't need it anymore. I am loaded with a variety oh baby chicks from Rhode Island red, Wyandotte, Plymouth Rock, Bantam, and the majority of them are Australorp...
  4. B

    New additions (Sebright, Cemani cross, Polish etc)

    Hello everyone, Recently I made some new additions to my flock. Any help identifying the breed and sex will be appreciated! Thanks in advance! 1. Bantam pullet, around 4 months old. She is a great forager and a very active bird. She has a very Sebright-ish look to her. What breed is she...
  5. PouleNoire

    GLW Sitting on Eggs - Update Thread! 1st Hatch Questions

    Hey everyone!! So to cut to the chase, my Golden Laced Wyandotte; Lacey is sitting on, currently, 5 eggs. I would like to have her sit on a few more gathered in the upcoming few days. I know I don't want them too spaced out because I don't want a too broad staggered hatch. Any thoughts on...
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