2 Year old Buff Orpington with weak legs


Apr 18, 2013

I have a Buff Orpington that is having difficulty walking, her legs just look like they are weak and shaky. She is eating and drinking well and her poop looks normal. I gave her calcium, bathed her and checked for and egg that I though might be the problem. She has been this way for 6 days. My question is has anyone else had this problem? Do you think she will get better or should I have my husband cull her? She can walk but only a few feet at a time then has to sit again.
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Unless she has a leg deformity, it is more likely that she is weak in-general.

How do her comb/wattles look? Did you check for lice/mites?
I did check her for mites and lice and she looks good. Her comb and wattles are bright red and she looks healthy. Will try to upload a picture that I took this morning. She has never been sick before and has been very healthy and laying normally. I also had a rooster that had a similar problem with his legs but he was that way from the time he was a chick. Is Marecks something only baby chicks get?
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