A dog food miracle at our house


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Since before we brought Kane, our younger GSD, home we have been feeding Diamond Naturals lamb and rice for large breed puppies. Our older GSD Jax is a picky eater. He will only eat a morning meal with yogurt on it, otherwise he only eats in the evening and then very little.
Kane on the other hand will eat anything and everything and has the weight to prove it. Never, ever gets full. Licks his bowl after it's empty and then hopes that I'll take the gate down seperating him and Jax, so he can eat Jax's leftovers.
So today we switched them to Taste of the Wild. We were amazed. Jax ate every bit of his and Kane walked away without finishing all of his.
He went and laid down and was perfectly content.
I can't believe it. Finally found a food that Jax likes (and will hopefully eat to put some weight on) and Kane finally got full.
That's great! I always get excited if I can find one dog food they will all eat,,, so far since I lost my Pyrs it hasn't happened. The only one I cater to though is Elliot the Antique Beagle. If he wants mashed potatoes by gosh he gets them!
I have been feeding mine TOTW Pacific Stream for about a year now and they are doing great on it! My bulldog has much healthier skin and both of their coats look great! I am glad it is working for you!!
No, you can't come live with us. Okay, you can but wait until I get my house back in order from the broken leg that never ends episode.
We have been feeding Taste of the Wild to our 2 GSDs and our Beagle for over a year. It is the first food that they all liked and doesn't cause either gas and/or the runs in our GSD Abby. Our 12 year old Beagle (who was chubby) went from 36 lbs down to 27 lbs and has much more energy now.

Taste of the Wild is also a grain free food and is a top rated food at http://www.dogfoodanalysis.com/dog_food_reviews/index.php/cat/1
I should say that the boys were doing fine on the Naturals, no gas and no stomach problems. Just that Jax is such a picky eater. Kane would eat his bowl if I let him.
My dogs love taste of the wild and I love it too. I originally bought it because there were wolves on the bag haha but also the ingredients looked like something I wanted to eat. Well I fed it for quite a while, then money got tight and I tried out that 4health at TSC. 2 bags of that and I was back to TOTW. They were so gassy on that and on every other food I tried. So I decided to save my nose, and their digestive system, rather than my wallet.

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