A little freaked out - Found a cockroach outside our house!!!


BYC Staff
17 Years
Dec 26, 2006
California - SF East Bay
My Coop
My Coop
We've never had roaches and never want to. I've seen enough of those "Verminator" type shows to know that once they get in and start reproducing, it is a nightmare.

Well, my wife found a roach outside our house. I'm pretty sure that where there is one, there are many. It wasn't anywhere near the coop, so hopefully has nothing to do with the hens.

I don't think I want to start calling the exterminators quite yet, but don't want to give them a chance to take hold.

So, my questions are:

1) Besides keeping a clean environment, what else can be done to keep these things at bay?

2) Do the lure traps help any or just catch the occasional wanderer?

3) Am I overreacting? We have no signs of them in the house and keep things pretty clean. Is it possible it came from some other house or caught a ride in something that was brought over from some place else?
Keep ALL food in tightly sealed tupperware. dont just use bag clips and such...everything in sealed containers. Even pet foods. And other than that i dont know..sorry.
There are so many types of roaches that just seeing one doesn't mean infestation. Depending on where you live, time of year or even weather patterns you can see more or less in your house. I wouldn't worry just yet, but I've heard of folks using borax mixed with sugar hidden under the stove or cabinets, it is supposed to kill them. If I see one I vaccuum it up and forget about it. They are nasty little thing though.
Are you positive it's not a wood roach? They look kinda similar but they are more wedge shaped and darker. It's still a roach, but not the house kind. We will get them up around the house when it's been raining a lot. Just grab a chicken and put it over there!
They usually don't live inside. They need the moisture of rotting wood.

First...ewwww! lol

Second...when I found my 1st one at 6am one morning, I roused my entire household out of bed, made them scrub out all cupboards etc.

We put every open bag of flour, sugar, cereal in a zip lock bag.

I was a maniac about it.

We never had another one but I think I was a bit overreactive...lol
if you have firewood stacked near the house move it.
it could be a wood roach.
sprinkle borax one box should do it.
all around the base of your foundation of the house and it works for all pests sugar isnt needed. mom use to use it years and years ago.and I still do once a year.
Great replies!

I'm not taking my chances... I'm going to get some of that major killer roach gel bait and put it in a few places outside!!

We'll also work to make sure there are no wood piles, etc. around outside and will keep on keeping things clean inside.

THIS IS WAR!!! (and I'm determined to win)

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