Alchemist Farm Unvaccinated Chicks


8 Years
May 30, 2016
I wonder what others experience has been with Alchemist Farms unvaccinated (for Mareks) chicks. I bought 4 Bielefelders feom them last year and 2 Azure Eggers this year. I just buried one of my Azure eggers (of course she was a favorite). I discovered that I have Marek’s in my flock… She had the classic signs of leg paralysis and gasping. I babied her but she still died within about ten days… Her vaccinated brooder mates and the other Azure Egger are fine. Both Azure Eggers came down with what I then thought was a vitamin deficiency when they were just a few weeks old. I now wonder if it was Pseudo Botulism, which is a form of Marek’s. Signs were head dangling in the bedding progressing to them getting so weak they were completely flat lying down, only eyes moving. One chick completely recovered with babying within 24hrs, the other took 2 days. The one who took longer is the one who just died. Hmmm. When I look at the Bielefelders, a year old now, one has a roach back (developed at about eight weeks old), otherwise fine, one developed ascites a couple of months ago, one went into a sudden early heavy molt and is now regrowing feathers but skinny and pale, one seems completely fine. One of them (don’t know which, probably ascites girl) is laying a flat, thin shelled egg. So three hens with issues out of four. Marek’s makes chickens more susceptible to other illnesses, because it compromises the immune system, so that could be in play here. My older vaccinated big hatchery birds are all fine, so are my pullets and cockerel from Greenfire (also vaccinated). As much as I love Alchemist Farm, and especially because they are local and we don’t have to have the chicks shipped, I don’t think I dare buy unvaccinated chicks anymore. It is just not fair to the birds and it’s too rough on me, too. Have you guys had better luck?
I have four Alchemist girls and 12 Meyer, the Meyer girls were all vaccinated. My Alchemist girls are about five months old, and Meyer’s are a year and two years…haven’t lost any or even had a sick chicken yet (other than cuts and the random weird egg and annoying bumblefoot). Hoping that continues; so far so good.
Yes, I don’t believe they have Marek’s at the hatchery. I am just wondering how one could breed for resistance to a disease their birds are not exposed to. Not saying it’s not possible, I just don’t know. And granted, one of my newest pullets from Alchemist and two from last year seem absolutely fine (the skinny, very molting one has recovered). Glad to hear yours are doing well!
Yes, I don’t believe they have Marek’s at the hatchery. I am just wondering how one could breed for resistance to a disease their birds are not exposed to. Not saying it’s not possible, I just don’t know. And granted, one of my newest pullets from Alchemist and two from last year seem absolutely fine (the skinny, very molting one has recovered). Glad to hear yours are doing well!
I don’t know if anyone can breed for resistance and I’ve read that even vaccinated chicks can get it. It’s probably a lot like any virus…if the animal (or human) is healthy and has a healthy / robust immune system, the chances of it being fatal is less. Exceptions always exist though.

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