Apple Cider Vinegar in the summer?


Mar 1, 2018
Meeker, Colorado
I've heard that ACV is not great for chickens in the summer due to heat issues. Is this accurate? I put it in daily in the winter and like feeling like maybe I'm preventing some problems by doing so. Maybe like a sense of security, I don't know. Lol

I have been putting Rooster Booster electrolytes in their water daily all summer long.
I’ve never heard of it helping heat related issues so I don’t know if it does but I add 1 tablespoon to 1 gallon of water once a week for my chickens. Over the winter and sometimes in the summer I take a shot of apple cider vinegar myself. There’s tons of health benefits to ACV. Some people will say though you can use it as a Dewormer. It is definitely not a Dewormer though. But it’s definitely good for keeping up their general health. And I think my girls like the taste. The best type to get is the all natural with “The mother”.
I've heard that ACV is not great for chickens in the summer due to heat issues. Is this accurate? I put it in daily in the winter and like feeling like maybe I'm preventing some problems by doing so. Maybe like a sense of security, I don't know. Lol

I have been putting Rooster Booster electrolytes in their water daily all summer long.
Now don’t quote me on this but I have read and heard several places not to give electrolytes on a daily basis or a regular basis. I don’t give electrolytes often so I would suggest just doing the research on them. Just to be safe
I’ve heard conflicting things about it. I think it’s just a matter of preference. Some people believe it helps some people don’t. I know it can’t hurt to at least. I don’t know about it being bad in the summer it’s never seemed to affect mine negatively in the summer. But yogurt is a great probiotic to give in the summer. Just make sure it’s plain and unflavored. Plus it’s just really fun to watch them eat it. LOL
Now don’t quote me on this but I have read and heard several places not to give electrolytes on a daily basis or a regular basis. I don’t give electrolytes often so I would suggest just doing the research on them. Just to be safe
Same here. I can’t find the post but I give electrolytes when it’s super hot. I heard never more than 10 days in a row.
Constant access to fresh cool water is best. Save electrolytes for when they are sick, very stressed, or overheated enough to have diarrhea. In hot weather it is best to stagger it with some days on, and then a couple weeks off.
Overuse of electrolytes is still considered an electrolyte imbalance, and is arguably just as bad as underuse. Long-term effects include muscle soreness and swelling, fatigue, seizures, even cardiac arrest.

I’ve never found hard proof that ACV is the miracle fix some people swear by, but I also don’t think it hurts to try. It’s always best to keep plain clean water on the side when offering these things.

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