Baby Pheasants found please help !


5 Years
Jun 26, 2014
Hello there

I'm new here, and I'm looking for some help and advice ...
Yesterday i was cutting a long thick high grass in my backyard and suddenly i found a nest with around 8 baby wild pheasants newborn and some eggs, i saw their mother flying away and i left thinking that she may come back later but she didn't, unfortunately she has abandon the chicks and a cat was eating them up one by one...

Hopefully i managed to save 4 of them and i brought them inside my house but i don't really know what to do with them, i kept them with a light all night last night and they seem to be ok but i don't know how to feed them or how should i keep them so they can survive, i will appreciate any help and advice thanks.

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Keep them around 95* and lower the temp by 5* a week.

Change to a red light bulb to try to keep a lid on them getting aggressive.

Feed them gamebird starter with 30% protein.

Put rocks or marbles in their water so they don't drown/get wet and get hypothermia.

Keep in mind you broke the law in rescuing them (Whether it's right or wrong). Even though pheasants are not native all the same laws regarding handling of wild animals apply to them (at least in most states that I'm aware of). Basically if you know anyone that might report you, tell them you bought em on Craigslist.

Reading the Guide to raising gamebirds in my sig might help too.

Edited for spelling
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Keep them around 95* and lower the temp by 5* a week.

Change to a red light bulb to try to keep a lid on them getting aggressive.

Feed them gamebird starter with 30% protein.

Put rocks or marbles in their water so they don't drown/get wet and get hypothermia.

Keep in mind you broke the law in rescuing them (Whether it's right or wrong). Even though pheasants are not native all the same laws regarding handling of wild animals apply to them (at least in most states that I'm aware of). Basically if you know anyone that might report you, tell them you bought em on Craigslist.

Reading the Guide to raising gamebirds in my sig might help too.

Edited for spelling

Hello and thanks for your help !

Will follow your advice regarding the care of the chicks...
By the way i don't live in the states i live in Europe and even if this is illegal i can't stay without doing nothing watching them die, it goes against my nature.
You may want to try dipping the tip of their beaks into the water so they will know where it is. The mother may not have had time to do this. Also sprinkle some of the feed on a plate and they will should be hungry enough to feed if they see you sprinkle it.
In about a week the chicks will start to jump and flap their wings and may get some lift so make sure you keep them in a enclosed area because when they do start to fly you won't catch them. Ringnecks are pretty hardy but they can also be really really flighty.

Good Luck and have fun
You may want to try dipping the tip of their beaks into the water so they will know where it is. The mother may not have had time to do this. Also sprinkle some of the feed on a plate and they will should be hungry enough to feed if they see you sprinkle it.
In about a week the chicks will start to jump and flap their wings and may get some lift so make sure you keep them in a enclosed area because when they do start to fly you won't catch them. Ringnecks are pretty hardy but they can also be really really flighty.

Good Luck and have fun

Thanks for your help :)

Yes i'm doing that with the water and also with the food but they almost don't eat anything, they seem quite weak and the only thing they do is to sleep...
I do really hope they survive :(
If you can, hit a pet store and get a liquid vitamin supplement for birds. The one I use here is called Vitasol but there are several. It gives them a good mineral boost and since you put it in their water it doesn't matter if they are off feed. Also try hard boiling an egg, smashing it up with a fork and putting it in their food.

If you can't make it to the pet store just add some sugar to their water for right now. Should help.
If you haven't already done so and your chicks are still alive it would be best to get them out of that bunch of towels and shavings you have them in. Just put them in a cardboard box with the blue paper shop towels you buy at Walmart on the bottom. Put a piece of hardware cloth over the top of your box and place a heat lamp on top high enough to maintain a temperature of 92-95 degrees. Sprinkle some game bird or turkey starter on the towels (not chicken starter) it must be high protein at least 20%. They like to pick it up off the towels and not eat out of a dish. Use a small chicken water fountain, the kind sold at any feed store. The eggs you have collected are history, they probably cooled off to the point of not hatching by the time you found them and if not placed in an incubator immediately it's too late. Ringneck chicks are hardy and if more than 2 or 3 days old they should be eating well. Good Luck!!

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