barred rock rooster free ny

what was i thinking

11 Years
Oct 1, 2008
cny ny
first was penny now bob needs a new home. don't know his age for sure. he likes the ladies and just started crowing a couple weeks ago. he is beautiful. we are in central new york.
pic from a while ago, might recognize him as the lost and found chicken.
A couple weeks ago I had a free barred rock rooster on A lady near Syracuse with 6 barred rock hens was interested in him, but it was too far for her to drive to pick him up(about 75 miles between our houses). I think your closer to Syracuse, so it's worth a shot. If I still had the lady's email I'd give it to you.
i am syracuse.... i work in north syracuse. bob is on craigslist for $5. i just she doesn't want to pay that or she has found one.

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