Best Rooster Photo/Video Contest WITH Prize!

Chicky Crazy

6 Years
Feb 27, 2013
News! Starting this Wednesday, April 9th I'm setting a goal to have at least 50 pictures entered before Next Monday!!! Monday I will begin to pick the winners!!! So hurry and get you photos in!
Thursday 10th, currently at 46% of our goal. Please enter, we need YOUR help!!
AND at least one out of the first ten videos that are entered will be used in my article! :thumbsup

SIZE]his is a rooster or hen

Got the best looking rooster of it's breed?
Well this is the contest for him! I am going to make a article about roosters, and enter it in the article contest. But I need lots of pictures, and videos of roosters for this article! I don't need perfect pictures, but somewhat well taken ones that aren't blurry. Videos need to be clear, and please try to hold the video camera still.

Rules if you are entering a picture:
1. You Must fill out THIS form to enter:

Is this your chicken:
What breed is your rooster, or is it a mix. If you know what kind of mix it is, please tell:
Do I have your permission to use this photo in my article:

2.Write which category you are entering.
Rooster and hen
Rooster chick
Rooster crowing
Rooster with person/child

Rules if you are entering a video:
1. If you are entering a video you Must fill out This form:
Is this your rooster:
Do I have your permission to use your video:
What is your video about:

2. You CAN NOT talk while taking the video! Also the video HAS to be about a rooster.

3. Have fun!!!

Your video has to be about a rooster. If you want ideas about what to take a video of, here are some ideas:
Rooster crowing
Rooster laying on eggs
Rooster protecting flock
Rooster making noises
Be creative and think of your own ideas :p


For the photos that are my favorite will be used on my article, and a few might be rewarded as 'best looking rooster'.
My favorite videos will be used in my article! At the end of the contest I'm am going to pick my favorite video of a rooster crowing and will use it in my article as an example of crowing.

You can post as many photos/videos, into as many categories as you want! If you have any ideas, questions, or tips please share!


Happy chicken keeping!
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That's fine if it's not a purebred. Sorry if I implied that, I didn't think about how I would exclude people like that :(
Hi Chicky Crazy!

I've got 3 photos for your consideration but I couldn't find a paint program on my computer and "Aperture" my photo program would only watermark with an image so I used my avatar as a water mark. If that doesn't work for you and you would like to use the image I'll post it free of markings and you can mark it with my name on it.

Category Title Rooster

Category Title Rooster

Category Title Spur/Feet

Username: roostersandhens
Is this your chicken: Yes they are all mine
What breed is your rooster, or is it a mix. If you know what kind of mix it is, please tell: Breeds are next to each of the entries
Do I have your permission to use this photo in my article: You are more than welcome to use any of the pictures below in your article.

Category Title: Rooster (his name is Foghorn - he is a Leghorn)

Category Title: Rooster (Eddy the rooster - Easter Egger)

Category Title: Crown/Face (Eddy the EE's face)

Category Title: Wing and Tail

Category Title: Spurs/Feet

I may enter more later!
Good luck in the article contest! :)
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Username: RoostersCrow,HensDeliver!
Is this your chicken: yes
What breed is your rooster: Black Copper Marans
Do I have your permission to use this photo in my article: yes

2. Write which title you are entering your photo in.


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