Blood blister or bumblefoot?


May 17, 2024
There's a small bump on my 3 month old goose's foot right beside the middle toenail (similar to a blister beneath the skin).
I noticed it was beginning to become more red, and just yesterday it seems to have torn open and began to bleed. The blood is a bright red color, and I've had him settled down in his own playpen outside so he can be with the other geese without walking on it too much.

What is this and what are the methods to treating/preventing it?
First time goose owner, tips would be greatly appreciated. Much thanks


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That looks more like it got injured on something. I'd soak it in warm Epsom salt water so that will not only clean the wound but allow you to see it close up without blood so you can tell what's wrong better.

I would put some Neosporin w/o pain killer or any triple antibiotic ointment on it and bandage it with gauze and vet wrap or similar for a couple of days. Change the bandage twice a day. I wouldn't want his foot to get dirty or wet until that heals up.

He sure is pretty!!

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