Brooding chicks on the front porch. Question about temperature variations.

Branch Chickens

6 Years
Jan 17, 2014
China, Maine
Hello all. I live in Maine, and we're currently brooding our first batch of chicks. For the first two weeks, we kept them in a large brooder in our kitchen, but as the Great Chick Dust Bowl set in, we decided to move our set up out to the enclosed front porch. All has gone well thus far.
My question is in regard to temperature swings at night. We live in Maine, and our daytime temps are currently 55-70. Nighttime can sink as low as the upper 30's.
At night I've been draping a flannel sheet across the front of the brooder (the only side that doesn't have a high wall) and another blanket across half of the top of the brooder. I leave the heat lamp side of the brooder open, and lower the light 6 inches to increase the temp. This morning (it was 39 last night) it was 90 immediately under the lamp, but the temp drops off pretty steeply once you move out from under it, all the way down to 50 at the far end of the brooder.
Is this okay? The chicks seem cool with it. They're definitely camped out near the light, but not piled up on top of each other underneath it.

Your chicks will be fine

I brood outside, all year round, and my chicks seem to feather out much faster when they have to deal with some cooler weather. As long as the area under the light is warm enough for them, don't even worry about the rest of the brooder. If they were with a momma hen, they'd just have their little spot under her to warm themselves, then its back out into the cold once they're ready to motor again. I wouldn't even worry about covering the brooder with the sheets, they'll run to the heat when they need it. I actually encourage mine to spend less time under the lamp by putting their food, water and roost on the opposite side of the brooder.

Good luck with your chicks!
Thanks Nikki!
I have their food and water on the opposite side as well, and it doesn't seem to bother them a bit to run over there.
I really like the change in venue for a variety of reasons. One is that I can see them much better in the sunlight, without just a red wash of light over them all the time.
Here's to strong, healthy chicks!

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