can a cat attack a chicken


Feb 28, 2017
I live in a neighbor good and I looked outside and there was a cat in my backyard. Ok know the cat. It is lives two houses down from mine. They don't let it inside. It. Was in my backyard, I don't think it did anything except scare the chickens. I have a cat but it doesent do anything to the chickens. I have one rooster and 3 hens and one polish chicken. I don't know what it is yet but its Smaller than the others. Will the chickens attack the cat or will the cat attack the chickens or what. Should I do anything
Depends on the cat but I've seen them 'toy' with them. Some can enjoy the chase and potential cat play but may get more than they bargained for if you have a feisty roo or hen! BLack pepper can put a cat off, may b worth a try
Yes, they can, but it's not super common with a household pet. A cat that is out living on its wits alone will be opportunistic and if the chance arises will take a chicken. I've seen them do it... now, of course, some chickens fight back really well, but some breeds are pretty docile, or can't see well because of feathers and might be a little more vulnerable. Just try and be careful and watch closely until you know how this cat is likely to react.
I live in a neighbor good and I looked outside and there was a cat in my backyard. Ok know the cat. It is lives two houses down from mine. They don't let it inside. It. Was in my backyard, I don't think it did anything except scare the chickens. I have a cat but it doesent do anything to the chickens. I have one rooster and 3 hens and one polish chicken. I don't know what it is yet but its Smaller than the others. Will the chickens attack the cat or will the cat attack the chickens or what. Should I do anything

I have 3 outside cats they will not attack full grown birds they will kill peeps or real young ones
Yes, cats can and do kill chickens. It is not as likely as say a fox or a coon killing one of your birds but I have seen pet cats attack and kill chickens.

It is especially problematic if the chicken is housed or kept in a manner that makes it easy for the cat to kill. The younger or smaller the chicken the more likely a cat will attack it. Been there, seen it, and have the tee shirt to prove it.

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