Can a chick live with a bent toe?


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Jul 24, 2019
Boston Area, MA
My Coop
My Coop
This chick hatched with the two external toes on both feet folding in and under the feet. That's how it was walking around, on the bent toes. I gave it booties made out of medical tape as soon as I noticed (a few hours after hatch) and kept the booties on for 2 days. After I took them off, the toes seemed straight. One day later though, and one of the toes has folded in again (the other toe seems fine). So what do I do now? Do I put another bootie on? The chick hatched in an incubator and I kept it inside for those 2 days, but now it's out with a broody and a sibling. I'm afraid the broody will try to get the bootie off and will inadvertently hurt the chick in the process. If I take just that one chick back for another day or two of indoor bootie wearing, both this chick and its sibling will scream their lungs out (they REALLY don't like being separated). If I take both chicks inside, I'm afraid the broody may break and won't take them back. So I'm in a bit of a predicament... I'm not going to ultimately keep this chick, it will be raised for meat (sorry, buddy) so I really just need it to be okay for a few months. Can it live like this? The toe isn't impeding its mobility at all, I'm just wondering if the pressure on the toe being bent like that might cause problems for the toe itself as the chick grows...

There's blood vessels and nerve endings on there toes. So it needs to be straightened out before it gets to big. Plus there weight may impact there overall well being.
Health and quality of life versus being with mom? What's more important?
That's what I'm trying to figure out - how big of a problem is it going to be... Sometimes with something that may look bad, chickens turn out to live with it just fine and it doesn't bother them, so I wasn't sure if this might just be okay. If it has the potential to pinch circulation or something though, and WILL be a problem, then obviously I'll have to deal with it... I was just looking for people who've had this happen, in case somebody can tell me "oh yeah I had that one chicken, lived with a folded toe just fine and nothing ever happened" :lol:
Well, I will say that I have a chicken who is missing a toe, and she's perfectly fine. But no toe = no pain.

Come to think of it, my DIL has a cat who was born with a club foot that the vet opted not to correct - so her entire foot is bent back on itself. She gets around fine and is in no pain.

I think that is the most important thing. If it is painless, then it'll be ok.
Yes, a chicken can live with a bent toe. However, in your case I would try a boot one more time and see if you can get that toe straightened out. From the photo it looks like it is doubled over and that position may cause problems later in life. Another option is to have that toe amputated.
Splinting just one toe didn’t work, the whole thing was getting folded under. So I taped the toe next to it as well, for support. At first, the broody just looked at the tape up close and did nothing. However, when the chick itself started pecking at the tape, and its sibling joined in, they drew her attention to it and raised her suspicions, and she started pecking at it, too! First the toe, then the chick itself. The chick was like WTF mom, and at one point pecked her back, right in the eyeball. YES baby! It was getting dark, so they both went under her and everybody was chill. I worry about what I’m going to find in the morning though… 😭


Splinting just one toe didn’t work, the whole thing was getting folded under. So I taped the toe next to it as well, for support. At first, the broody just looked at the tape up close and did nothing. However, when the chick itself started pecking at the tape, and its sibling joined in, they drew her attention to it and raised her suspicions, and she started pecking at it, too! First the toe, then the chick itself. The chick was like WTF mom, and at one point pecked her back, right in the eyeball. YES baby! It was getting dark, so they both went under her and everybody was chill. I worry about what I’m going to find in the morning though… 😭

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I'd go out super early in the morning and see how it's going. Might be worth raising it yourself with one of its siblings.

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