Can chickens get cl


Oct 12, 2017
We had goats and my husband had bought 2 from an auction. Well not to long after we got them they got sick and within the next few months we started to see the signs of cl we tried the vaccinations nothing seemed to work we had to get rid of the goats. Now i have a huge pasture that we cant put anything in im wondering if i can build small chicken coops out there or if my chickens can get it too?? I have tried to research it and cant find anything on it!
Thats what i was finding too but then i found one that says fowl can get it on a vet website im going to be safe i guess and not do it i breed and sell alot and i DO NOT want to be the cause of any desease spreading! We will just leave the pasture sitting until the 2 years is up and its safe again thank you for the help!!

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