Can you have only 1 Rabbit?...

Hi We have a single bunny. I was told that they will pay more attentions to a person if they are single then if they have a mate. Our bunny is an indoor baby who is litter trained. It didn't start that way he was suppose to be an outside one but now hes too much a part of the family to put him outside again. Crystal
Hi TJ,
Sorry, I think you must have had a bad time with them. They sure hurt when they bite and its not nice having biters.
Ive seen really aggressive mini lops but they were in small hutches. Perhaps you could offload the more dominant doe and try the other doe on her own. She may be happier. They dont take long to retrain to like humans!!
Hey CJ Its nice to see indoor bunnies too, they make great indoor pets. Yes they are perfect pets on their own and do bond better to you.
Its great fun making little obstacle courses for them to jump on and bridges to the lounge chairs!!!
I have an Angora Lop male that we adopted last year. He went crazy without something to mount. Well, he mounted everything ... my head, my children's heads, Hello Kitty, etc. We got him fixed last year and he's doing much better. I have to say he likes company but he doesn't need another bunny. He actually plays with my chickens and my kids. He is free range in the backyard during the day. I bring him inside at night, make him a big salad and put him in the hutch in the playroom until morning. I used to have does in a hutch growing up. I think that when confined to a hutch rabbits need the company of another. When they are free to roam the yard or the house they interact more with the other people and animals. They are very social. And they are almost always friendlier when fixed ... buck or doe.

Oh, it's easier to free range a buck than a doe. Does are diggers and will burrow. The bucks are lazier and just carve out forms in shady areas.

Here's a picture of our lazy boy. His name is Turbo Fluff. And LOVES the hen house!

I actually--against all suggestion- have 3 males together. I have a Rex that mount everyone so I am thinking of nuetering him but they get along okay. I have an outdoor pen I build that there hutch sits it. It is about 3 by 8. They go in at night and out in the AM, just like the ladies. I do have a free ranger that was getting picked on my my male Rex so he lives in the shed for about 4 months now and I have to say, I love seeing him run around with the chickens!
Yes, in the summer he sleeps inside all day and hops out in the evenings when it cools off. He likes to sleep over the air duct. When the air turns on we can see a poof of fur fly up into the air.
Hi Tiffwillhelm,
That is so funny, they loathe the heat, my bunnies feed outside in the frost in winter under trees or in the open. They love the cold, however bunnies in hutches dont survive frosts. i dont know why.
Mine have their own burrows to go into when its raining or too hot as well.
Turbo Fluff doesn't have to worry about the weather here. He is spoiled. If it is raining or too cold or too hot or there are too many raccoons around, he comes inside and I make him a nice salad! I grew up in Connecticut, however, where it can get very cold. My parents would not let my rabbits inside. They had to stay outside in the hutch. I guess they had each other to keep warm. I used to feel sorry for them and bring them in when the parents weren't home. But, after a few chewed wires (including my father's phone ... back in the days when phones had cords) and pee spots on the wood floors, the poor bunnies were exiled back to the hutch. In spite of chewing through our Christmas tree lights (and surviving) last year, Turbo maintains his luxurious indoor/outdoor life.

The people across the street have a couple of does who have built an entire system of tunnels under our block. They occasionally pop up in someone else's yard. They are out doors all the time.
Yes 2 of my does have their own tunnel system under the house, they are spectacular dugouts.
I would love to put a camera down there. They had unexpected litters down them once and one day i found a baby bun in my loungeroom, my cat had rescued him from the father who tried to kill all the males, so if you ever have a freerange pregnant doe, lock up the buck when the litter arrives as he will want all females and no boys!!!

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